Student ingenuity on display at science fair
With her project titled, “The Making of my Electrocardiogram,” Oakwood School junior Renee Bostak hoped to discover indicators of a heart condition. Classmate Monte Williams' project used science to compare the water quality in different South County communities. Britton Middle School duo Diya Kendhra and Nikoo Shahab tested for the best renewable fuels.
Gavilan seeking student memories for 100th birthday celebration
As Gavilan College prepares for its 100th birthday in 2019, historian Leah Halper is looking for interested parties who attended the college to contribute their memories to a Gavilan College Centennial archive and oral history project.
Sister cities of MH expands cultural exchange with Italy
Sister Cities of Morgan Hill has expanded its programs to allow local families and teens age 14-17 to participate in a cultural exchange with sister city San Casciano, Tuscany, Italy.
Britton students excited about science
As Britton Middle School science teachers Trevor Agnitsch and Jim Levis read off the honorable mention, third, second and first place winners from the annual science fair Dec. 14, the eighth grade students displayed sheer exuberance when their names were called.
District to hike field use fees for youth sports leagues?
The local school district has proposed increasing its sports field use fees paid by youth teams, in some cases by thousands of percentage points—a cost hike that would fall on the backs of participating families, according to the presidents of two long-established, local leagues.
Charter, board resolve funding request feud
The Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Trustees this week broke an impasse between district and charter school administrators, agreeing to report to the California State Finance Authority that Charter School of Morgan Hill is “in good standing” and “in compliance with its charter for purposes of the Prop. 51 funding.”
Gavilan looks to the future
Gavilan College President Kathleen Rose talked about new buildings and new programs for the 2017-2018 academic year at Gavilan College.
Voices, county delay charter renewal hearing
A local charter school and its county authorizer agreed to postpone a vote on the school's petition renewal until Dec. 13, despite a staff recommendation for approval.
Gavilan selects SunPower for solar and storage project
Gavilan College has gone solar. The community college has selected SunPower to deploy a fully integrated solar and storage project at its Gilroy campus.
Live Oak HS students make Thanksgiving special for all
While most of their Live Oak High School classmates were at home enjoying the extended Thanksgiving break with family and friends, eight Future Business Leaders of America students were back on campus the morning of Nov. 20.