School board shifts gears on parcel tax
In a stunning last-minute change, Morgan Hill Unified’s Board of Trustees on May 15 surprised its own staff to include two local charter schools in the funding mix of a proposed parcel tax.
Community gives school nearly $10k
The Britton Home & School Club is close to reaching its $15,000 goal in a community-wide effort to recoup valuable funds lost in the shocking carnival chaos of several weeks ago.
MHUSD board to detail parcel tax, budget cuts, Britton project
Proposed budget cuts for the 2018-19 school year and an education parcel tax measure targeting the November election are two connected items to be discussed at the May 15 Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Trustees meeting.
Teen goes high altitude for prom date
Ann Sobrato High School junior Austin Gonzales, 16, found a daring and creative way to ask his girlfriend to this year’s Junior Prom. Gonzales, who has been taking pilot lessons out of San Martin Airport for about two years, brought his girlfriend, junior Aiden Lachance, on an April 22 flight lesson. Little did she know, earlier that same day, Gonzales and his parents used 100 traffic cones to spell out “Prom?” on the Sobrato football field. Along with his instructor, Gonzales flew Lachance over Santa Cruz and Anderson Dam before reaching Sobrato HS in north Morgan Hill at about 2pm, at which time he told her to look down and see the message he left for her. Lachance said, “Yes.” The two will be going together to the Junior Prom, which is being held May 19 at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara.
Students enjoy special Cinco de Mayo celebration
A third annual Cinco de Mayo fiesta of sorts for Morgan Hill and Gilroy students with special needs was hosted by teachers from both programs May 4 at Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy.
District inches closer to education parcel tax
Morgan Hill Unified School District officials moved closer to finalizing a draft of a $75 education parcel tax, which is targeted for the November election, after the Board of Trustees reviewed the resolution May 1.The seven-member board is expected to vote on the final ballot measure resolution May 15 before it is submitted to the Santa Clara County Registrar's Office. After that submittal, a local Political Action Committee can begin campaigning for its approval by Morgan Hill voters.No action was taken by the board May 1, only a tweak to the wording of the resolution as trustees gave their input on what would be most effective in swaying voters to approve the property tax, which is estimated to generate $1.5 million annually over five years if it passes.The parcel tax draft outlines four key areas that the revenues will be used for. Those are:• Core academic programs that focus on skills like science, technology, engineering and math;• Ability to attract and retain quality teachers and staff;• Programs to help children with special needs; and• Programs focused on the arts.At the Feb. 6 meeting, the board of trustees did not move forward with a $75 parcel tax for the June election after learning the results of a second community survey.“The results of the polling indicated that not enough support existed to pass a $75 (parcel tax) in June, and it was suggested to move the measure to the November ballot, where prior polling indicated a higher likelihood of passing,” according to the staff report.It also states that MHUSD “is the lowest funded unified school district” in the county and other districts “have locally-approved parcel taxes which generate additional funds to support important programs such as class size reduction, arts, libraries, and technology.”Morgan Hill schools are in the midst of trimming about $5.5 million from the district’s 2018-19 budget without any additional revenues coming in, and the parcel tax is aimed at negating any future cuts.Local political advocate Swanee Edwards has expressed interest in forming the PAC as soon as possible to begin fundraising to ensure the parcel tax’s passing on Nov. 6 ballot, according to district staff member Jim Carrillo, who is leading a group of people advocating for the parcel tax.The proposed parcel tax allows for exemptions to taxpayers who are at least 65 years old (on or before June 30), and it also includes an independent oversight committee to keep tabs on the district’s spending of the $1.5 million. As written in the resolution, the funds generated cannot go to administrator salaries or benefits.“I want to accept (the parcel tax resolution) as is,” said Trustee Donna Ruebusch, after listening in on some minor adjustments suggested by other board members. “I know from past elections....that people are more willing to vote for something if they know it will not go to administrator salaries.”A parcel tax is a form of property tax assessed at a rate based on the characteristics of a “parcel,” rather than on the assessed value of the property, which is the standard method for levying property taxes, according to It can be used for any type of spending, including construction costs, employee salaries and other projects or needs.Principal RecognitionsIn other MHUSD business, Jackson Academy of Math & Music Principal Patrick Buchser was recognized by the Santa Clara County Office of Education as one of two recipients of the 2018 Artspiration Principal Arts Leadership Award, according to the district report. He will receive an “a-PAL Award” on May 22 at the Young Artist Showcase Celebration. “Buchser is known for his advocacy for the arts, his support of equitable arts access for all students, and his leadership in our district’s mission to implement a new Strategic Arts Plan,” the May 1 agenda reads.Los Paseos Elementary School Principal Debbie Stewart will be recognized May 11 at the Association of California School Administrators Awards dinner as a Region 8 ACSA 1st Year Administrator Superstar, according to district staff. “She has a passion for ensuring all students have access to a quality education and that teachers have the tools and support they need to help their students succeed,” the agenda item reads.
Bike safety, active lifestyle topics of April 27 school event
Students at two Morgan Hill schools were treated to special visits April 27 from a pair of professional cyclists who promoted bicycle safety and living an active lifestyle.
District eyes $75 parcel tax in November
After opting not to go with an education parcel tax for the June election, school district leaders are now focused on putting a revenue-generating measure on the November ballot.
Gavilan honored as statewide ‘Strong Workforce Star’
Multiple programs at Gavilan College earned the California Community Colleges’ Strong Workforce Stars recognition for their success in improving student employment and wage outcomes, according to an April 17 announcement.
Teachers treat the community
Local teachers provided a fun-filled, afternoon event for Morgan Hill community members April 21 as they hosted the Third Annual Friends & Family Festival under clear skies and warm temperatures at Nordstrom Elementary School. The free festival included activity booths, entertainment, community information booths and raffle prizes. Student actors from the Live Oak High School Drama Department’s production of “Spamalot” were part of the entertainment. Meanwhile, 10-year-olds (from left) Elizabeth Duong and Alondra Domingue enjoyed the crafts booth.