83 F
Morgan Hill
July 26, 2024

Tougher graduation rules in the works

The addition of an extra year of social studies and the

Live Oak grant runs into opposition

A $498,000 federal grant to change the education focus at Live

Britton Jazz Band heading to Europe

Coming June 2004, the talented Britton Middle School Jazz Band

School board to decide on boundary changes

Although the advantages of the proposed secondary boundary -

Coyote Valley plan goes to school board

Coyote Valley, the largely undeveloped area between Morgan Hill

Bumpy road for teacher condominium project

A request for a zoning change to all a joint city/South County

Pop Warner seeks use of Britton School fields

For the Morgan Hill Pop Warner football coaches, 2003 has been a

Effort under way to rescue frosh basketball

The shot clock may not have run out on potential ninth-grade

