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Morgan Hill
March 14, 2025

Morgan Hill Students Nominated for National

Morgan Hill residents Chris Matsuoka and Jina Park, students at Monte Vista Christian School in Watsonville, have been nominated to compete for the National Honor Society Scholarship sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).

Snow Day for Children

Teachers Aid Coalition Appreciates Donations

TAC Fundraising Chairperson Judy Beshears has announced that TAC received a $1,000 grant from the Morgan Hill Rotary Club to help teachers a local schools purchase classroom supplies. It's estimated teachers spend an average of $600 to $800 a year to purchase the materials.

Extra Credit

Private Schools, Las Madres Host Information Fair

Spotlight of the Week

Snow Day for Children Coming

Extra Credit Briefs

Morgan Hill Unified School District Resumes Classes

Spotlight of the Week

Finishing Touch on Sobrato Gym

Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley Seeks Latina Candidates for Scholarships

THE HISPANIC FOUNDATION OF SILICON VALLEY (HFSV) has announced the opening of its 2006 scholarship program that assists Latinas in higher education who are taking a non-traditional path to achieving a college degree.

Los Paseos School Concert

Spotlight of the Week

Spotlight of the Week

Lou Mirviss, president of the Morgan Hill Rotary Club, presented Morgan Hill Unified School District elementary school students Jasmine Leiser, Kevin Le, Adrian Espiritu and Gabriela Castro with Outstanding Student Achievement awards.

