53 F
Morgan Hill
March 14, 2025

Feds order draining of Anderson Reservoir in the fall

Federal engineers have ordered Valley Water to speed up by one year its plans to drain and replace the Anderson Dam in Morgan Hill, citing earthquake dangers.

Rail plan goes ‘all in’ for Central Valley

The California High-Speed Rail Authority this month released a draft of its required biennial business plan update that dumps all of its available funds into the Central Valley.

30th District election offers November preview

The May 3 primary vote in the 30th Assembly District will offer a preview of the November ballot. One-term incumbent Robert Rivas, a Democrat elected in 2018, faces Republican Gregory Swett. Both will also be on the ballot in November. Rivas, a former San Benito County...

Local Scene: Civil grand jury, Wildflower Run

The Santa Clara County's Office of Women's Policy is offering $75,000 worth of civic engagement mini-grants to local residents who want to organize their communities to promote civic engagement and participatory democracy in honor of the legacy created by the women who fought for the 19th amendment.

Two injured in Morgan Hill shooting

Morgan Hill Police are looking for the suspect or suspects involved in a Thursday night shooting that left two injured, according to authorities. One of the victims was critically injured. About 8:12pm Feb. 20, MHPD officers were dispatched to the area of Cochrane Road and...

Cochrane center plans reviewed

The so-called “retail apocalypse” that has struck the nation has forced the owners of the Cochrane Commons shopping center to rethink the last phase of its build-out. The Morgan Hill Planning Commission on Feb. 11 reviewed conceptual plans for residential units, an assisted living facility...

Voting begins in Santa Clara County

The official March 3 Primary Election Day is more than a week away, but vote-by-mail ballots are already piling up at the Santa Clara County board of elections. Some voting centers will be open for business on Saturday, Feb. 22. This year, for the first...

Measure I campaign signs vandalized

A vandal or vandals defaced, altered and destroyed a number of campaign signs supporting a vote in favor of Measure I in Morgan Hill last week, according to members of the Yes on Measure I committee.

Sheriff: Suspect stole $3K worth of shoes from MH home

Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a suspect tied to the theft of more than $3,000 worth of shoes from a home in Morgan Hill, according to authorities.

New developments in Madrone Business Park

Toeniskoetter Development, Inc. formed a joint venture partnership with Silicon Valley Glass to build the new headquarters and manufacturing facility for the Morgan Hill-based glazing company in the Madrone Business Park.  A long-term lease meant an equity stake in the project for Silicon Valley Glass,...

