56.7 F
Morgan Hill
March 16, 2025

Local Scene: Meditation workshop is June 8

Doherty completes intensive research project Morgan Hill resident James Doherty, a member of the class of 2024 majoring in Robotics Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), recently completed a senior thesis that is required of all graduating seniors as part of the university’s distinctive project-based...

Vineyard brings romantic vibe to South Valley

I love our local wineries but have to admit I haven’t been to them all. In an attempt to spice things up and seek something new, I wanted to take a trip to Leal Vineyards near Hollister.  I decided I wanted to slow it down,...

City of Morgan Hill will host May 30 Economic Mobility Symposium

The City of Morgan Hill recently embarked on an “Economic Mobility Study” to better understand the community's needs and address existing disparities in housing and access to opportunity, says a press release from the city.  With a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation...

Newsom proposes lower spending on homelessness, affordable housing

After Gov. Gavin Newsom rolled out a deficit-bridging budget plan in January, advocates pushing for more affordable housing and shelters hoped he might reconsider his intent to make deep cuts—or scrounge up some more money. On May 10, Newsom released a revised proposal showing that...

County celebrates new ambulance fleet at Saint Louise Regional Hospital

A fleet of 12 new ambulances dedicated to transporting patients among the county’s hospitals and medical offices was unveiled at Saint Louise Regional Hospital in Gilroy on May 9.  The new emergency medical vehicles will improve transport times among Santa Clara Valley Healthcare’s three hospitals—SLRH,...

Local Scene: Academic honors

Morgan Hill residents graduate from Biola University Morgan Hill residents Gabrielle Stieg (majoring in Public Relations & Strategic Communications), Sanford Kenyon III (Business Administration) and Kaitlyn Pershall (Comm Sciences Disorders) graduated from Biola University at the spring 2024 commencement ceremony. The ceremony took place on...

As May approaches, Cal Fire offers fire prevention tips

With the month of May beginning this week, with its warmer weather, lower humidity and drying vegetation, Cal Fire is urging Bay Area homeowners to do all they can to protect against fire. “Fires are mostly caused by the human factor,” Cal Fire Battalion Chief...

Local Scene: Cops & Robbers Ball supports public safety in Morgan Hill

Cops & Robbers Ball supports public safety The Community Law Enforcement Foundation (CLEF) of Morgan Hill will hold its annual Cops & Robbers Ball on Sept. 21 at Guglielmo Winery.  The event includes silent and live auctions, dinner, music and dancing, according to CLEF’s website. CLEF...

More than 10K comment on Sargent Ranch Quarry study

Final counts reveal that more than 10,000 letters were submitted to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors during the public comment period for the Sargent Ranch Quarry Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) regarding a proposed open-pit mine at Juristac (Sargent Ranch) in southern...

Gilroy facility presents sustainable distribution model on Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day, Performance Food Group on April 22 held an open house event in Gilroy to show how they have created a sustainable distribution model at the company’s local facility. In collaboration with a number of vendors in the transportation and distribution industries,...

