The West Little Llagas Creek path in south Morgan Hill will include new pedestrian-operated crosswalk beacons where it traverses busy public roadways.
The Morgan Hill City Council approved the design, construction and installation of the pedestrian safety devices as part of the consent agenda at the Aug. 3 meeting.
The project includes two types of pedestrian crosswalks with flashing lights that are designed to alert approaching motorists that someone is crossing the road: the rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) and the high-intensity activated crosswalk signal (HAWK). Two RRFBs will be installed where the trail crosses West Middle Avenue and La Crosse Drive, according to city staff. These will include RRFBs visible to both northbound and southbound motorists. A HAWK signal will be installed where the West Little Llagas Creek trail crosses Watsonville Road, also directed at northbound and southbound motorists.
Both types of crosswalk beacons are operated by pedestrians who push a button near the curb before they cross the street.
The city received bids from two contractors for the project. At the Aug. 3 meeting, the council chose a bid from Golden Bay Construction, Inc. to complete all three crossings and beacons. The contract for the project is $665,989, according to a city staff report.
The West Little Llagas Creek trail is a paved pedestrian and cycling path that runs alongside the creek that runs through Morgan Hill, from Watsonville Road to Lake Silveira. Portions of the trail are currently under construction as part of Valley Water’s Upper Llagas Creek Flood Control project. The recreational path is funded by the City of Morgan Hill, Valley Water and grant funds, according to city staff.
Although the first phase of the trail is fully designed and paved, it will not open until after the pedestrian roadway crossings are complete. Morgan Hill Public Services Director Chris Ghione estimated those crossings—including the RRFBs and HAWKs—will be completed in late fall 2022.
The Upper Llagas Creek Flood Control project is also under construction at various locations in Morgan Hill. That project includes the recent restoration of the Lake Silveira wetlands and wildlife habitat in south Morgan Hill.