Three seats on the Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Trustees will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot. Voters will select their board representatives in Trustee Area 5 (central Morgan Hill), Trustee Area 6 (north Morgan Hill) and Trustee Area 7 (south Morgan Hill). 

Two candidates are running for each of the three seats: Jennifer Marquez and Tyler Smith for TA 5; Rebeca Munson and incumbent Mary Patterson for TA 6; and Veronica Andrade and Tom Pocus for TA 7. 

Incumbents Ivan Rosales Montes (TA 5) and Adam Escoto (TA 7) are not running for reelection. 

To determine what MHUSD Trustee Area you reside in, visit the district’s website at 

In an effort to help readers get to know the candidates a little better, the Times has asked all the candidates to respond to a series of questions about their personal and professional background, as well as their policy ideas. 

Candidates for TA 7 were featured last week. Responses from Munson, Patterson and Smith are featured in this week’s edition. Marquez did not respond to a request for responses to the Q&A. 

Rebecca Munson, Trustee Area 6

Times: Any biographical information you want to share with the voters? 

Munson: With 18 years in banking and 12 years in teaching, I’ve dedicated my career to both finance and education. I grew up in the Morgan Hill School District and have raised my family here, proudly seeing both of my children graduate from Sobrato High School. I’m married and cherish time with my family, including my granddaughter. 

Rebecca Munson

Outside of family life, I enjoy reading, meeting new people, and spending time with our 15-year-old German hunting terrier. My experiences have shaped my commitment to community and lifelong learning.

Why are you running for the MHUSD Board of Trustees? 

I’m running for the MHUSD Board of Trustees to make a meaningful impact on our future leaders, entrepreneurs, doctors, business owners, researchers and engineers. As a teacher, I’m committed to advocating for students who can’t advocate for themselves, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met. I aim to support teachers in ways that are effective and meaningful, creating an environment where they can thrive. 

Additionally, I want to build strong partnerships with parents and the community to foster student success. Together, we can create a supportive and enriching educational experience for every child in our district.

What would you do as a trustee to improve MHUSD’s financial situation and keep the district financially stable? 

As a trustee, I would prioritize collaboration and open communication with all stakeholders, particularly the budget committee, to ensure transparency and shared decision making. I would review recent expenditures to identify what has effectively supported student success, ensuring our resources align with our goals. Implementing cost-cutting measures while maintaining high-quality instruction and student support would be essential. Additionally, I would evaluate services currently outsourced to determine if bringing them in house could be more efficient or if there are in house services that could be effectively outsourced. 

This comprehensive approach will help ensure MHUSD remains financially stable while enhancing educational outcomes.

What are some of the top pressing issues in MHUSD or in your Trustee Area, and what would you do to address them if elected?

The top pressing issue in my Trustee Area, according to many families, is the decline in test scores among middle school students. Families have expressed concerns about the challenges of transitioning to middle school, including increased social pressure, academic stress and evolving friendships, which can contribute to anxiety and low self-esteem, directly affecting test scores. To address this, I would encourage the superintendent to confer and collaborate with the assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, administrators, psychologists, teachers and families to develop research-driven solutions. 

Potential initiatives could include mentorship programs led by retired teachers and a reevaluation of the current Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports program, ensuring that we provide the necessary support for our students’ success. 

Mary Patterson, Trustee Area 6

Times: Any biographical information you want to share with the voters? 

Patterson: My 30-year career in this community has been focused exclusively on helping children thrive.  Currently I am the Director of Programs at Child Advocates, where we support foster youth by providing a highly trained and caring adult volunteer to mentor them and advocate on their behalf in court. 

Mary Patterson

With a Masters degree in Public Health, vast understanding of children and teens with diverse needs, and eight years of listening, learning and leading on the school board, plus my own insight as a parent in the district for 17 years, my experience provides an excellent foundation to serve on the board.

Why are you running for reelection to the MHUSD Board of Trustees?

Public education is a cherished institution and it deserves strong and experienced leadership. While I will be delighted to welcome three new trustees to the board this fall, I am running again to offer consistency and a longer-term perspective to our decision-making. 

Additionally, I have been listening and learning during my tenure as both a parent and a board member, and I use that knowledge to propel our district forward and to help us meet the high expectations of our staff, students and families. I look forward to continuing to serve, intelligently and humbly.

What would you do as a trustee to improve MHUSD’s financial situation and keep the district financially stable?

I have helped guide the district successfully through lean and flush years, relying on solid financial practices, including 1) hiring expert staff who support schools to accurately identify needs and manage expenses, 2) maintaining a reasonable level of reserves, and 3) pursuing additional revenue whenever possible.  

The vast majority of district funds come from Sacramento, where I have advocated to increase our district’s allotment; some of those efforts have paid off. With the state currently in a fiscal crisis, budget cuts are required. I have supported the formation of a community Budget Advisory Committee to recommend strategies for reducing expenses.

What are some of the top pressing issues in MHUSD or in your Trustee Area, and what would you do to address them if reelected?

The foremost pressing issue is student achievement. We must keep pressing ahead to provide rigorous educational content in a way that is understandable and relevant to every child. And it must be done at schools where students feel welcome, safe, challenged and held to high expectations. 

This is already happening in the district, through the great talent of our educators and staff. 

I will champion a steady and deep focus on engaging every student in their learning and providing extra services for the young people who need it to support their learning.

Tyler Smith, Trustee Area 5

Times: Any biographical information you want to share with the voters? 

Smith: I am a product of the public education system and want all students to have the same opportunity for success. After attending public school through my sophomore year at a community college, I earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Pepperdine University. My education launched my successful career in technology, including founding a venture capital firm. 

Tyler Smith

As a father of a mixed-race daughter, I have been actively involved in her education and volunteering in her classes. This experience gave me a deep understanding of the challenges teachers face, especially when they lack essential classroom resources.

Why are you running for the MHUSD Board of Trustees? 

I understand the value of a great public education and believe our teachers deserve the best resources to support our children’s growth. I love the Morgan Hill community and am deeply aware of the challenges facing MHUSD, including the $5 million annual deficit. 

My experience in leading tech companies has equipped me with strong leadership and budgetary skills, making me well-suited to serve as a responsible and effective leader. I am committed to working hard for our students, families, and teachers, ensuring a brighter future for the district. Join the Morgan Hill Federation of Teachers in supporting me as your next Trustee for Area 5.

What would you do as a trustee to improve MHUSD’s financial situation and keep the district financially stable? 

As a trustee, I would take a three-step approach to improve MHUSD’s financial situation. Step 1 is to analyze the budget from both a current and historical perspective to fully understand the factors that have led to the district’s current deficit. Step 2 is to make the difficult decisions needed to reduce budget items without sacrificing essential classroom resources, ensuring that students and teachers are supported. 

Step 3 is to develop a plan focused on increasing revenue and promoting responsible spending, with a focus on improving test scores as the guiding principle for all decisions.

What are some of the top pressing issues in MHUSD or in your Trustee Area, and what would you do to address them if elected? 

In speaking with parents and teachers I’ve learned that the pressing issues in MHUSD are the budget, the lack of transparency, and falling test scores. I promise to bring transparency to MHUSD and the Board of Trustees so that parents don’t have to beg to understand what is going on in the district. 

I will continue to speak to teachers and work with the administration to make sure the teachers can get the resources they need to start improving our declining test scores. See my previous response regarding the budget. 

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Michael Moore is an award-winning journalist who has worked as a reporter and editor for the Morgan Hill Times, Hollister Free Lance and Gilroy Dispatch since 2008. During that time, he has covered crime, breaking news, local government, education, entertainment and more.


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