music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor, The Granada Theater should not be saved. First, it
is not a historical landmark. The building does not have the
beautiful art deco that the movie theaters that were built during
the silent film era.
The Granada Theater is not historical and should not be saved

Dear Editor,

The Granada Theater should not be saved.

First, it is not a historical landmark. The building does not have the beautiful art deco that the movie theaters that were built during the silent film era.

Second, the return on investment does not add up. Five million dollars in renovations for what I see as zero profit. Two million dollars to build a state-of-the-art theater is more cost effective. Having retail would bring in more revenue.

I would like to see downtown much like Campbell/Los Gatos with shops, dinning, farmer’s market and street entertainment/art.

To be fair, for the Save the Granada, it maybe historic for them, but more on the sweet memory, first date, first kiss, first movie, but not enough to spend $5 million of taxpayer dollars with no return.

Cathy Goorman-De Porter, Morgan Hill

Ron Woolf has all the tools to be an effective school board member

Dear Editor.

We are endorsing Ron Woolf as a Morgan Hill Unified School District board member.

Ron has been a resident of Morgan Hill for more than 26 years as a teacher, adult school principal and counselor and served as a director of student activities. He has also been active in the community, on the board of the Mushroom Mardi Gras for 22 years and has served as scholarship chairperson for 18 years and treasurer for six years.

He had been an educator for 35 years, therefore, having experience on selecting curriculum, working with personnel and being involved in budget balancing and being involved on school board committees.

Being a past member of the American Federation of Teachers, California Math Council and California Association of Directors of Activities, he has gained insight on decision making processes as a board member to guide the MHUSD in providing stability in balancing the budget, seeking academic improvement for all students in providing a safe environment at all school sites.

Ron was honored by the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce and the MHUSD as Teacher of the Year.

Thank you for supporting Ron on Nov. 2, 2010.

Judy and Murv Little, Morgan Hill

Time to replace incumbents with responsible leaders

Dear Editor,

I read the Morgan Hill Times article on Marby Lee’s website regarding the 42 instances during the past five years where city staffers made purchases prior to approval by the city council. While I applaud the attempt to bring more transparency to the city government, I am wondering why it took so many years for this issue to come to their attention. What kind of leaders does this city have, if illegal acts by the city manager and his staff go unnoticed like this?

While the average citizen is struggling with layoffs and home value decreases, we have a city government that spends without approval, cannot balance its budget, and continues to push for increases in taxes. We need new leadership to represent the interests of the city residents – not people who are willing to turn a blind eye to misdeeds that are occurring so frequently. Let’s replace the mayor, the city manager and council members who cannot or will not control the irresponsible city staff. We need leaders who are serious about making Morgan Hill the city we deserve.

Loretta Stahl, Morgan Hill

Patriots can’t understand negative reaction from community on 9/11

Dear Editor,

This is in response to Linda Propp, who recently complained about one of the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Patriots, a group who gathers to rally downtown every Saturday morning. Linda suggested that there was an incident on Sept. 11, 2010 during the observance of 9/11. On this date nine years ago, we experienced the tragic loss of nearly 3,000 American lives. These innocent lives were lost during an act of terror against our country. Their families and loved ones will morn forever. The memory of this mass murder will never be forgotten.

Linda, consensus dictates no one approached or banged on your car. If there was a negative verbal reaction to your thumbs down toward our 9/11 observance … well … you can certainly understand a spontaneous reaction to such an action on such a solemn day. It is difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend anyone expressing a thumbs down response. This action rattles the sensibilities. Maybe you can help the Patriots understand your position and why you would be revolted by a group of citizens exercising their “citizenship” and showing respect for those who lost their lives. It is perplexing at the very least and horrifying at best.

If you were somehow offended, please accept our apology. However, we are also offended by your insensitive, un-American, and heartless action. An apology from you is certainly not an expectation, but a search of your conscience might be in order. An examination of your ethics and principles might be edifying. A soul search to enlightenment might do you well. Ask yourself why you had such a negative reaction to such a positive demonstration. Why?

If anyone deserves an apology it would be all the loved ones of those who lost their precious lives, in such a senseless way, nine years ago.

Donna Rosemont, a Morgan Hill resident on behalf of the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Patriots

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