music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor, Congregation Emeth recently hosted Magda Brown, a
Holocaust survivor now living in Skokie, Ill. We were particularly
pleased by the standing-room-only crowd that filled our sanctuary
to hear Ms. Brown’s amazing story of surviving the atrocities of
the Nazi regime.
Thanks to columnist for Holocaust survivor story

Dear Editor,

Congregation Emeth recently hosted Magda Brown, a Holocaust survivor now living in Skokie, Ill. We were particularly pleased by the standing-room-only crowd that filled our sanctuary to hear Ms. Brown’s amazing story of surviving the atrocities of the Nazi regime. We know that a great many people who attended did so after reading Chuck Flagg’s interview with Magda Brown, which also announced the event. We are indebted to your newspaper for printing the story and making so many aware of this special event. Thank you very much for your help.

Rabbi Debbie Israel

Another resident willing to take the heat

Dear Editor,

Hey Burt, your article sure got some folk’s panties in a bunch, didn’t it? I think at last count we’ve had three educated (?) attacks on your article and opinions … c’mon guys, where was your Christian love for poor ‘ol Burt? Tell you what, Burt, let me take some pressure off, because I’m with you and they can start on me now. My guess is that these three gentlemen didn’t grow up in our era; 1930 to the 1940s, an era not so enlightened as many are now and able to deconstruct someone’s thoughts so deftly.

Yes, we grew up in a time when you could leave your house unlocked with windows open to cool your house (no central air)! You had expectations, that when you came home your furniture and radio (no T.V.) and phonograph (no iPod) would still be there. A time when we honored our servicemen and families hung banners in their windows with stars indicating how many of their children were serving.

I had an uncle in the Army and one in the Navy. I only wished I was old enough to be in the service (in the 1940s) with them. Many that didn’t live in that time, have no idea what you and I can recall and appreciate. Some might say our country wasn’t as you and I think it was, but one thing is for sure … we didn’t seem to have all the vitriolic hate that exists all around us, as it does now. From opinion pages to our two-party system, you name it and you have hate, turmoil and disagreement.

Yes, we old fogies do miss the kinder, gentler times and wish they could return … but why should they? Times are so much better now. Let me count the ways: Parents don’t need to teach sex education at home anymore, it’s done now in schools and porno sites on the Internet in living color. In our day, we were deprived: not able to attend (with the thousands) a half naked gay rights parade, What a loss! We never imagined same sex marriage being such an issue, if at all. I don’t agree, but not my problem, if that’s what they want to do. Never occurred to me that the term Christmas tree would become holiday tree, never occurred to me that wishing someone a Merry Christmas, better be Happy Holiday instead. Sure don’t want to offend anyone’s sensibilities, do we? However, don’t go to a Middle East country and ask that they stop their call to prayer several times a day because it disturbs your nap time and offends you. Good luck!

Sure we never thought abortion would run as rampant as it has and seems to have support. Easier to abort than abstain, I guess. I would kindly disagree with the gentleman, that Christian majority does not exist. Sure it does, but the insanity of all this political correctness has finally, it seems, driven them underground, so to speak. It was nice to get a Constitutional education from this gentleman, however, wish I could make my points as well. By the way sir, there are not many versions of Christianity, there is only one! I will agree, there are many religions out there, but there is only one version and definition of Christian. Research it.

I have rambled on too long, at the dismay of many and I am certain I’ll get what’s coming to me soon, so move over Burt. By the way, I must comment on the “Around the Water Cooler” topic before I take a nap. C’mon Lisa (my favorite columnist), have some love for Glenn Beck, he is so passionate in what he believes in, he’ll even cry for you. Glad you are tuning in. I do like reading this section in the paper because with some exceptions, I find those opinions very liberal and very askew from mine, but never mind that. If I want fair and balanced, I quickly turn to the comic section and read “Mallard Filmore.”

Thanks to all, and a belated, Merry Christmas.

Charles Wilcox, Morgan Hill

Stop the bickering and make a difference

Dear Editor,

I would just like to make the comment that “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” There has been a lot of talk regarding Mr. Anderson’s article regarding the religious beliefs of our Founding Fathers of this country. This debate will go and on and I don’t believe they would approve.

Whether Presidents Washington and Jefferson were Christians or not should not govern they way we live our lives today! Times change!

Please remember back then they supported slavery, grew hemp (marijuana) at Mount Vernon and Monticello and one was accused of rape and fathering the children of a slave.

I ask Morgan Hill residents should we continue to argue about who is right or wrong on religion or can’t we all just get along?

I think our community would benefit by people just agreeing to disagree and then all work together to make Morgan Hill the place we all want to live!

I suggest people that want to promote their beliefs and feelings get out and donate their time to their favorite causes, not just write letters.

Frank E. Gardner, Morgan Hill

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