music in the park, psychedelic furs

US culture enriched by immigrants

The Statue of Liberty has been welcoming immigrants for many years. In CA our economy and way of living depend on field workers many of whom are immigrants. 

Our culture has been enriched by the new foods, music, art and life experiences of those brave enough to leave their old homes. We need a safe and sane policy to bring them into citizenship.

Alice Moskus

Morgan Hill

Horrible backup on highway

This is about the horrible backup that occurs on Highway 101 at Cochrane Road in Morgan Hill on a daily basis. 

morgan hill senior housing

Highway 101 is four lanes north of Morgan Hill to San Jose and three lanes south to Gilroy, hence a bottleneck is formed. This causes drivers to get off the freeway to avoid the backup and swamp Morgan Hill streets with traffic. It is almost impossible to drive around Morgan Hill after 3pm. 

We recently had dinner at Betto’s Bistro in downtown Morgan Hill and witnessed an endless stream of traffic the entire two-hour dinner. I remember this is the way it was 50 years ago before they built the freeway and 101 came through downtown Morgan Hill. Well, we are back to that.

The 101 freeway needs to be widened to four lanes from Morgan Hill to Gilroy to match the four lanes going north to San Jose. It was planned for and there is room for it and it needs to be done now to eliminate the bottleneck on Highway 101. 

Morgan Hill has suffered too long. 

I urge everyone to contact Assemblymember Robert Rivas, our representative in the state legislature, to marshal all his resources to fix this problem. We need to apply all the pressure we can to get this done.

Richard L. Stone

Morgan Hill

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