Pictured are the kittens saved on Christmas Day 2016 by volunteers from Morgan Hill.
music in the park, psychedelic furs


A holiday rescue story


On Christmas Day, a 4-week-old kitten, was found almost dead outside. Jenny posted in the All Animal Rescue Morgan Hill Facebook group. I happened to be driving near where the kitten was on my way to Christmas dinner and stopped. Jenny called to tell me not to come because the kitten was passing, but I was close so I picked up the kitten anyway. She handed me a stiff, skinny kitten in a box. The kitten appeared lifeless; a breath could barely be detected.


I took the kitten to my grandmother’s (Ruth Johnson, who has lived in Morgan Hill for 80-plus years), where we sat the kitten on the counter. Christmas dinner was put on hold.


The kitten desperately needed some medical supplies I did not have with me, so I posted in the Facebook group asking if anyone could help. Less than five minutes later, Laura showed up with fluid lines and the saline solution we needed. Even though it was Christmas Day, she stayed with us for an hour helping with the kitten, who the Morgan Hill community named “Hope.”


Against all odds, Hope started mewing later that night. And with a few days nursing, grew strong and healthy.


On Dec. 26, I met some other rescuers (seven of us total) in the area where the kitten was found. A friend and her daughters showed up and those girls (11 to 14 years old) would not quit looking for Hope’s siblings, even after hours in the cold and dark.


The oldest girl, Shaylan, found Hope’s brother, a skinny and sick little boy with the fluffiest kitten coat ever seen. She named him Hayden and he was reunited with his sister.


The kittens have grown and thrived since, though we all expected the worst when Hope was found. Today the kittens reached 2 pounds and are officially old enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted.


There were hundreds who rallied behind these kittens, tracking their progress on Facebook. Many donated to help with their medical and supplies.


They are pictured, now healthy, below with a surrogate mother.  


I thought this story may be of interest to the Morgan Hill Times. And it would be wonderful for the organizations that helped (All Animal Rescue and now Town Cats, who is sponsoring their medical and adoption) to get the word out about what they do. Everyone who showed up for these kittens on Christmas Day was a volunteer.


Krista Guardino


Morgan Hill
Feds bring doublethink to MH


I recently read an article in the Times. about the Immigration services asking for a permit to expand their facilities in Morgan Hill.


When I talked to the city they affirmed the permit had been denied, but there was a re-submission of the proposal and ICE expected to be granted the permit in the future. I was especially alarmed by the words “holding” cells and a denial of a “detention” center.


This is doublethink. What is a holding cell except a way of detaining immigrants to be investigated for deportation?


It was also alarming to read in the Mercury News that Trump now has the legal authority to deport up to eight million people in this country, notwithstanding the recent temporary reversal of the ban on airport arrivals.


It’s time we made ourselves known: Are we for diversity in this country or are we for getting rid of diversity with mass deportation and bans against legal immigrants?


Natasha Wist


Morgan Hill
Guest view is distorted


I love reading the Morgan Hill Times. However, it is unfortunate that you would publish such a distorted letter as the one featured in the Jan. 27 edition of the paper (“Why I joined the women’s march on Washington”).  


It’s a shame that you did not headline the letter from Dave Elliott about the Anderson Dam situation. That letter is far more important to Morgan Hill than is Jordan Rosenfeld’s diatribe.


Otherwise, thank you for printing a fine journal that chronicles what is going on in our fine town.


Peter Jensen


Morgan Hill

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