Letters to the editor
music in the park, psychedelic furs

I am writing to express my disappointment after reading news reports of a student being victimized by an employee of the Morgan Hill Unified School District back in 2014. It is outrageous that the district failed to follow state law requiring a report of this incident to the police. Because of this, even more students may have been involved.


That a teacher and an administrator were able to violate this law (and then avoid consequences because of the statute of limitations) is intolerable. That the taxpayers will no doubt be required to compensate the victims for this negligence is a drain on resources that should be put to educational uses.


The safety of our students should be the highest priority of MHUSD; when I wrote to each school board member and Superintendent Steve Betando to ask what they intend to do to make sure breaches of the mandatory reporting law never again occur in this district, only Trustee David Gerard responded to my question.


Apparently, this shameful situation isn’t considered a problem.


Chuck Flagg


Morgan Hill

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