Friends and Family of Nisei Veterans (FFNV), a locally-based, multi-state Japanese-American veterans’ group, will hold its annual meeting Feb. 10 at the Morgan Hill Buddhist Community Center, 16450 Murphy Ave.
The main guest speaker will be Congressional Medal of Honor recipient James Taylor, who was the Grand Marshal of the 2015 Independence Day Parade in Morgan Hill. The host will be Lawson Sakai, who is President of FFNV and also Grand Marshal of the 2014 parade.
On Nov. 9, 1967, First Lieutenant Taylor was serving in Vietnam as a cavalry officer. When his troops came under intense enemy fire and one armored assault vehicle was hit, Lt. Taylor jumped into action.
The Medal of Honor citation reads: “His actions of unsurpassed valor were a source of inspiration to his entire troop, contributed significantly to the success of the overall assault on the enemy position, and were directly responsible for saving the lives of a number of his fellow soldiers.”
The public is cordially invited to attend at 12:30pm.
Brian Shiroyama
Morgan Hill