Information in the “Morgan Hill Times” Legal Notice involving Borina Tennant Enterprises, LP, 2035 Tennant Avenue, Morgan Hill, CA. 95037, has been printed and ethically, caveat emptor is important to relate to interested readers. 

I am the General Partner of Borina Tennant Enterprises, LP and Borina Doma Enterprises, LP. In 2018-2019, intentions were to sell Borina Doma Enterprises, LP, clear a then $249,000 loan with Diversified Loan Services, as this flexibility is allowed with Family Protection Trusts, authored by national expert attorneys. This steady goal is optimal, as the USDJ is being requested that rights to sell Borina Doma Enterprises, LP be stipulated to Santa Clara County, to pay off the Borina Tennant Enterprises, LP loan obligations. 

Ethically, honestly, we would not wish to mislead any prospective interested party into believing the Family Protection Trust Heirloom property of 60 years will be sold as the Legal Notice in the “Morgan Hill Times,” may suggest. 

A new Santa Clara County Sheriff is being inaugurated soon, who with the USDJ, USDJ/FBI is being requested to enforce local, state, federal laws and rights, to assure the 2018-2019 (4554) sale prevails. Section 242, Title 18, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, is one of the laws USDJ can enforce, as the USDJ/FBI and US IRS are requested to oversee, US Federal Court overview, that rights, laws at every level, are respected. 

Thank you for consideration. 

Julie Borina Driscoll 

Morgan Hill

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