music in the park, psychedelic furs

Thank you for bringing to light a number of issues with our current Superintendent Dr. Carmen Garcia. I wish I could say these were the only problems created by Morgan Hill Unified School District’s superintendent, but the unfortunate truth is, that list goes on.  

Academic and safety concerns are not being addressed and do not seem to be a priority. Our superintendent’s agenda seems to be focused on social change/activism. While this may sound positive to some, I want to remind the reader that California public schools are failing.  Attendance rates and academic achievement are plummeting.  

Last year, teachers, students and parents got off to a rough start when schools changed the start/end times to become nearly the same time. Parents struggled to get their elementary, middle school and high school children to school, with each school having nearly concurrent start times.  

Schools were a giant mess as buses, daycare services and parents scrambled to transport their children. Not enough parking coupled with the impossible task of needing to be at multiple locations!  

Surely Dr. Garcia did not get input from teachers or parents when making this logistically flawed decision. 

Additionally, our younger students’ learning day was extended and many children struggled to get through the long days. They came home exhausted and starving. Behavior problems escalated as students were pushed beyond their limits. 

Does our superintendent care? It seems not, as these problems still exist. 

As this new school year began, employees of MHUSD once again witnessed misdirected and ineffective leadership from our superintendent. Welcoming back teachers/staff seemed to be more of a PR event for Dr. Garcia. 

Superintendent Garcia’s behavior demonstrates a lack of respect toward employees, conditional care for students and a disregard for parents’ concerns. It is time our school community came together to ask for her resignation. 

After Dr. Garcia served only two years at San Marcos Unified School District, they lost nearly half of its teaching staff in one year and nearly 300 parents demanded action against her.  

MHUSD, now it’s our turn. We can and should do better for our children. We are calling for Superintendent Garcia to resign!

Amy Smith

Concerned MHUSD parent

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  1. Bell Schedules are not the same. Look it up online for each school. The elementary schools may have the same beginning time but technically you should have all your kids at the same elementary school. And if you do have kids at different Elementary schools-stop whining and figure it out. Instead of complaining and asking for resignation, maybe you can take your criticism and be proactive with it instead. You aren’t saying how to solve any problems, you are only identifying problems that affect you. Dr. Garcia is not the reason for CA’s low academic levels. District academic levels have been low for the last 10 years. It will take a major change for students, parents, and teachers to get the district back on track. Maybe have a little faith in those with the Education degrees.

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    • You sound like a true liberal. Trust those with education degrees? You just stated district academic levels have been low for ten years and we should trust them?

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  2. Resign? How about fire her. I just had an issue with her and another employee with MHUSD, but thats ok. I sent a complaint to the California Department of Education.

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  3. You sound like a true liberal. Trust those with education degrees? You just stated district academic levels have been low for ten years and we should trust them?

    • Please sign me up for the newsletter - No


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