EDITOR: I am simply a band parent that loves my child and can
see what the experience of music has done for my daughter.
I am simply a band parent that loves my child and can see what the experience of music has done for my daughter.
When you say she is part of a band, it does not do justice to what the Emerald Regime Band is all about. She is part of a family that teaches her discipline, leadership, time management, responsibility, and many other things. My daughter belongs to an elite group of students who are the cream of the crop at Live Oak High School. These are students who are in your AP classes, who are in the Honor Society and get the top honors for testing. How can you ignore these students when they really need you most?
I live in San Jose and when I found out that I actually was in the Morgan Hill School District I wasn’t too happy about it. I then found out about the reputation of their schools and I felt that this was going to be a good opportunity.
My daughter has been involved (as well as her parents) with the band program since seventh grade with Jeff Wilson. She will be a junior next year and we were looking forward to two more great years involved with the band. This doesn’t seem to be a reality with the school district.
I am now ashamed to say that she belongs to the Morgan Hill School District. This is a district that turns their head at their main responsibility of the well-being of our children. I know high school enrollment has been dropping and now I understand. When it is time for my son to go to Live Oak, the district will lose another another.
Yvonne & Phil Melicker, Morgan Hill