Dear Editor,

Thank you for reporting about the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s increased enrollment for the 2005-06 school year. As you pointed out in the article, the increase results in increased average daily attendance, which means that the district will receive an increase in state funding.

One would think that any time our district receives an increase of funding means that our administration and trustees have an opportunity to improve our children’s education. On this note, I would also like to point out that the 2006-07 state budget will also be adding a considerable amount of funding to our district.

On June 27, the state lawmakers passed a state budget with the most significant investment in music and arts education in our nation’s history. A total of $105 million was approved in annual ongoing funding for music and arts education. In addition, $500 million was approved for art/music/physical education equipment, materials and supplies (a combination of what was two separate line items with $250 million for Art and Music and $250 million for PE). Over the next three years the investment in music and arts education will exceed $565 million. The bill was signed into law by the Governor on June 30.

It’s apparent that our governor and legislature recognize the fact that music and arts programs in many of the state’s school systems have been severely cut or eliminated over the past several years. These cuts have resulted in “shoe-string” programs that fail too often to provide successful and inspiring music and arts programs in our elementary schools. When President Bush speaks of no child left behind, I don’t believe he added an exception for the fine arts. Many children who struggle with academics seem to excel in the arts and often use the arts as incentive to attend school. Again, increased attendance means increased funding! Let’s stop leaving our children behind in terms of music and arts education.

Those in positions of authority in our public schools have a responsibility to acquire these funds immediately and spend them wisely. This is enough funding to provide a positive and immediate impact in our district. According to our governor, this funding allows us to hire qualified staff, purchase music, instructional materials, supplies and instruments. It is my hope that this will provide a significant “first step” towards getting smiles on our fifth and sixth graders’ faces as they carry their instruments to school and result in our arts programs growing once again instead of shrinking.

Greg Bergantz, Morgan Hill

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