A juvenile was rescued by helicopter on the side of Anderson Dam after getting stuck in a steep area covered with loose rock on Memorial Day, according to CalFire Battalion Chief Jim Crawford.
About 3 p.m. May 25, CalFire received a call from staff at Anderson Reservoir park, on Cochrane Road in northeast Morgan Hill, that two juvenile hikers were stuck on a hillside next to the dam, on the north side of Coyote Creek, Crawford said.
The hikers were “in an area that is usually closed to hikers,” Crawford said. The terrain they were on was comprised of steep shale, which can be difficult for a hiker to gain a foothold.
“The ground is really slippery up there, which is why it’s closed to hikers,” Crawford said.
One of the hikers was airlifted out of the area by an emergency helicopter. The other was able to climb back to firm ground with firefighters’ assistance.
Both hikers suffered minor injuries and were transported to a nearby hospital, Crawford said.