EDITOR: I certainly can
’t speak on behalf of the entire readership of the Morgan Hill
Times, but personally, I am growing tired of seeing Mark Grzan’s
weekly bashings of our community. If it’s not the Aquatic Center,
it’s the City Council, if it’s not the City Council, it’s his
opinions on the perchlorate issu
e. This week’s topic was his negative opinions on our water
rates, bills and water conservation.
I certainly can’t speak on behalf of the entire readership of the Morgan Hill Times, but personally, I am growing tired of seeing Mark Grzan’s weekly bashings of our community. If it’s not the Aquatic Center, it’s the City Council, if it’s not the City Council, it’s his opinions on the perchlorate issue. This week’s topic was his negative opinions on our water rates, bills and water conservation.
Is there anything he actually likes about our community? Obviously he must have made a conscious decision to move here at one time. If he is so disenchanted with nearly every aspect of how the city is managed, why not make a similar decision to move elsewhere?
Mr. Grzan makes a lot of assertions about what he thinks needs to be done. What, if anything, is he doing to facilitate solutions to some of these “issues”, besides complaining ad nauseam?
To my knowledge, anyone can run for public office. We all have choices we can make at the polls, and the City Council members are simply elected by popular vote. Perhaps Mr. Grzan should consider running for a City Council seat and become a part of the solution rather than continually perpetuating negativity in every one of his editorial letters or columns.
Morgan Hill is not a bad place to live. The city is making prudent choices and decisions, which will only serve to further enhance our community in years to come. I, for one, enjoy living here in Morgan Hill, and certainly don’t appreciate reading one-sided negatively opinionated letters from the same person week after week.
Gary Krage,
Morgan Hill