Are you wondering how to spend the Fourth of July weekend? Why not stay in Morgan Hill, our “Home, Sweet, Home”? This is the theme of Morgan Hill Freedom Fest’s annual Fourth of July Celebration. Why not stay close to home and experience events which will rekindle your patriotism, make wonderful memories and honor this amazing country of ours? All events are free to the public.
This year, our Parade Grand Marshal is none other than Eddie Bowers. This Live Oak High School graduate is a champion for veterans’ causes. Because of Eddie, Morgan Hill has its own Veterans Memorial Square located in downtown. Many of you gather there on both Veterans Day and Memorial Day as we remember those soldiers from Morgan Hill who have lost their lives serving this country.
As Chairperson of the 28th annual Patriotic Sing, I would like to take this opportunity to invite members of our community, families and friends to this year’s performance at 6 p.m. on Sunday, July 3, at the Morgan Hill Amphitheater. Angeline Madriaga will sing the National Anthem.
The event will feature children of our community singing songs of our country, essay contest awards and a chance to celebrate America’s birthday.
Special guests include the South Bay Chapter of the Blue Star Moms. Our soloist, Catherine Connor, will be singing “I’ll Be Seeing You,” honoring past Mayor Dennis Kennedy and William Brown—two men who worked tirelessly to make Morgan Hill what it has become today and who passed away this year.
We extend a special invitation to those who have served or continue to serve in our armed forces. Please consider wearing your service uniform.
Following the sing, walk over to the Family Street Dance.
Then, on Monday, start your Fourth of July off by watching or even participating in the Freedom Fest 1 Mile Walk or 5K Walk/Run.
Later, grab a seat along the Parade route for the Car Cruise ‘n Show, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Then just stay where you are: you’ll be ready to cheer as bands, floats and equestrians pass by in our annual Parade at 10 a.m.
One event remains: the Freedom Fest Fireworks with a Splash at the Morgan Hill Outdoor Sports Center, on Condit Road between Tennant and San Pedro avenues. Entertainment begins at 6 p.m., with fireworks at dusk.
As I mentioned in my opening paragraph, Fourth of July in Morgan Hill is an example of what makes this community our “Home, Sweet, Home.”
Karen Ann Crane is Chair of the 2016 Freedom Fest Patriotic Sing and Essay Contest.
For more information about all the Freedom Fest festivities on July 3 and 4, visit morganhillfreedomfest.com.