music in the park, psychedelic furs

Active Live Oak High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members recently returned from the annual California State Leadership Conference at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara. There were students, advisers, and officers – 1,560 – in attendance from throughout the state. The conference featured more than 50 different business and business-related events as well as workshops, business tours, and theme park visits.

Michele Dragoescu, Shelly McCune, and Nicholas Ajluni were state champions for their American Enterprise Project, a written report and oral presentation about their work with the local El Toro Youth Center on “Enterprising Pizza.” The report and the team will advance to national-level competition representing California.

The local chapter annual Business Report, detailing every activity of the Live Oak chapter throughout the year, written and edited by Minna Chan and Andrew Wisneski, placed second. The report will also be in national competition.

Nick Ajluni took third place in Networking Concepts, an individual written objective test relating to the methods for accessing and configuring network services, responsibilities of a network administrator, automation of user tasks and activities, and use of messaging services.

The team of Chan, Dragoescu and Wisneski took fourth place in Global Business which consisted of a written objective test that tested students’ knowledge of world trading. The top five teams from the written exam had the privilege of giving an oral presentation on a global marketing problem which was to give advice on what to do in a global business dilemma with only a 20-minute prep time to give a 10-minute presentation.

The team of Dragoescu, Chan and Raymond Leung took fourth place in Management Decision Making which consisted of a written objective exam. Then, the top five teams gave an oral presentation on a human resources management problem with a 20-minute prep time to give a 10-minute presentation.

Wisneski took fourth place in Job Interview where students applied for a fictional job which included a resume, cover letter, and job application that was turned in prior to the event. From that, the top competitors were interviewed.

The National Leadership Conference will be June 28-July 1, in Chicago, Ill.

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