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School Board trustees will have their work cut out for them
Monday, with controversial issues including eminent domain, a new
location for the Charter School and the state of Machado Elementary
all on the agenda for their regular meeting.

Staff Writer

School Board trustees will have their work cut out for them Monday, with controversial issues including eminent domain, a new location for the Charter School and the state of Machado Elementary all on the agenda for their regular meeting.

With a looming state education budget shortfall contributing to a district shortage of approximately $3 million, district staff and trustees are faced with difficult decisions at every turn.

The eminent domain decision, concerning the West property at 19500 Monterey Road, is a continued item from the Feb. 24 meeting, when Trustee Del Foster was absent. A 5-2 vote is required to authorize eminent domain, and Board President Tom Kinoshita postponed the vote until all trustees could be present, increasing the likelihood of a 5-2 vote.

The board has already exercised its power of eminent domain to acquire three parcels of land adjacent to the donated Sobrato property for the construction of Sobrato High School.

The district is also requested to find a new home for the Charter School of Morgan Hill. Proposition 39, passed by voters in November 2000, requires that charter school facilities would need to be provided by the district granting the charter.

The district must respond by April 1.

Machado Elementary, another school that needs a home is on the agenda. It was closed Jan. 31 after the well pump failed, leaving the site, which was home to 40 first and second grade students, without water.

The school packed up and moved to two portable classrooms on the Paradise Valley campus, and unhappy Machado parents have addressed the board with their hopes that the pump will be fixed and the school will reopen.

Trustees will also consider a contract with Turner Construction Co. for construction management services for Sobrato High, if negotiations on the contract are completed in time for the meeting.

Other items on the agenda include performance-based budget recommendations, the district’s financial condition and the free and reduced lunch program.

The Morgan Hill School Board will meet Monday, March 10, at 7 p.m. in the District Office, 15600 Concord Circle. Details: 201-6023.

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