Members of Live Oak High
’s Emerald Regime Marching Band had something to celebrate as
they recognized fellow members at their annual awards banquet; they
have a band director again, at least until the end of the school
Members of Live Oak High’s Emerald Regime Marching Band had something to celebrate as they recognized fellow members at their annual awards banquet; they have a band director again, at least until the end of the school year.
Morgan Hill resident Greg Bergantz has stepped in to fill the breach as former director Julie Weagle left to return to the East Coast to take advantage of an opportunity to complete her master’s degree.
Bergantz plays trombone with the South Bay Swing Band.
Live Oak Assistant Principal Debbie Padilla said district music maven Mike Rubino brought Bergantz to the attention of the district.
“We’re very glad that he was able to step in for us,” she said. “We would like for him to stay on next year, and I beleive he is interested in staying on, but he has not been formally hired for next year.”
Live Oak High Principal Nancy Serigstad said Wednesday that Bergantz has applied, and the district human resources department would be finalizing his position after several other decisions had been made regarding the music program.
At its end-of-the year banquet, members of the band and color guard were recognized for their contributions to the success of the organization.
The major awards went to Amanda Tewes for Best Guard Member, Michelle Soult as Outstanding Musician for band, Daniel Wahl won the John Philip Souza award for leadership in marching band and Matthew Carson won the Louie B. Armstrong award for outstanding musician in Jazz Band.
Also at the banquet band members learned which students were selected to lead them as drum major and parade drum major during next season: Devin McCutchen will serve as drum major and Kiely Melicker as parade drum major.
In addition to the major awards, the banquet served as an opportunity to recognize band and color guard seniors. Each received a plaque listing all of their band activities, including jazz band, marching band, pit orchestra (for the school musical). All of the section leaders were honored for their leadership, including the drum majors.
All students received year pins for participation.
In what has become yet another Emerald Regime tradition, members also issued “awards” to other members for various traits that they would be remembered for.
Marilyn Dubil covers education and law enforcement for The Times. She can be reached by e-mail at md****@mo*************.com or phoning (408) 779-4106 Ext. 202