music in the park, psychedelic furs

Edward Walter Sargeant passed away at his home in Ridgemark Country Club, August 24, 2009 at the age of 87. Edward was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His parents Fredrick and Ivy Sargeant settled in the Michigan area where Edward graduated from Green Bay High School. Enlisting early in World War II, he was a Navy medic who saw action in the South Pacific. While attending the University of Minnesota, he met his future wife, Charlotte Jean Vickers. Accepting a Regular Army commission he began a 30 year career training as a pilot and ending in 1979 with the rank of full Colonel. His assignments took him to Korea, Germany, Vietnam, as well as various posts around the United States. Upon retirement, he and his wife worked for Bell Helicopter in Iran for 1 ½ years.

He finally retired in Rancho Bernardo, CA and was an active sportsman playing golf and tennis. He also loved tending his small vegetable patch, doing daily battle against the encroaching rabbits and snails. He loved fine food and was blessed by his wife who took up gourmet cooking.

His beloved wife of 57 years, Charlotte, predeceased him in 2005, prompting Edward to move to Hollister to be closer to his family. He attended the gym daily and volunteered at Hazel Hawkins Hospital where he was known for his rascally good humor and commitment. Here he also met his much loved partner Betty Stimson; taking county drives and keeping up on the deer count in the hills as watching nightly Wheel of Fortune. He has two surviving sons and their wives, Michael Sargeant and Nickie Amerius-Sargeant of Tres Pinos and Stephan Sargeant and Carolyn of Solana Beach. In addition he has four grandchildren: Morga , Zachary, David, and Michelle. There are 5 great-grandchildren as well.

A ceremony is to be held Saturday, August 29,2009 at Hazel Hawkins Mabie Healthcare Oasis chapel, 991 San Juan Road, Hollister at 1:00 P.M. Donations in memory of Edward should be sent to the Community Panty or Hazel Hawkins Hospital Auxiliary c/o Black Cooper Sander Funeral Home, 363 7th St. Hollister, CA 95023.


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