EDITOR: As an employee of a large builder, landscape designer
and local resident living on Via Naretto, I wanted to comment on
the teacher housing project coming before the City Council this
As an employee of a large builder, landscape designer and local resident living on Via Naretto, I wanted to comment on the teacher housing project coming before the City Council this month.
I attended the early planning and council meetings and recommended between 6-9 units for this parcel. I also recently watched the last Planning Commission meeting, and noted the 3-3 vote. Clearly this site is too small for 12 units. The variances requested by the builder attest to this fact also. It is critical for all involved to build these units correctly.
I am all in favor of affordable and special housing for teachers and all public servants. This need should not preclude proper setbacks, design, density and building codes. Based on all the facts, I think the wise decision would be to build no more than 8-9 units, thus remaining within the character and zoning of the neighborhood and not overusing the resources at hand.
I ask the council to send this back to the developer to rework the plans for the actual lot size and local building ordinances. As we say in the business, “do it once and do it right!”
Daniel J. Kenney,
Morgan Hill