Morgan Hill residents living within the Trustee Area 7 boundaries and interested in a two-year term on the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s Board of Education have until Jan. 15 to submit their candidacy application, according to district staff.
A vacancy occurred when Trustee Teresa Murillo, citing “work and personal obligations,” announced in late 2018 her early resignation effective Jan. 31, 2019.
Qualified residents must complete the application, which includes a statement of no more than 200 words expressing why the applicant is interested in the board position, according to staff.
A complete copy of the application is available at MHUSD headquarters, located at 15600 Concord Circle.
The trustee area map can be accessed at mhusd.org.
Following a review of the submitted materials, the board will schedule interviews with selected candidates, according to staff. Candidates must be available for interviews at a Jan. 23 special meeting.
“It is anticipated the board’s selection and appointment of the candidate to fill this position will take place at the special board meeting, Jan. 23,” according to the district’s announcement. “If the process is not completed at this meeting, another special board meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Jan. 24.”
The application must be submitted by 5pm Jan. 15 or will not be accepted.
Anyone interested can contact Kelly Schriefer in the Superintendent’s Office at (408) 201-6001.
The board Dec. 11, 2018 voted unanimously to make an appointment rather than order an election to replace Murillo on the board for the final two years of her term. Murillo’s term expires in 2020.
In accordance with Education Code 5091(a), the board had 60 days to take action. Since the board chose to appoint, “the registered voters (of) the district may, within 30 days from the date of the appointment, petition for the conduct of a special election to fill the vacancy,” according to the MHUSD staff report. If that happens, the TA7 seat would appear on the June 2019 ballot and could cost “as much as $345,000.”
To be considered as a candidate, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
• Reside in Morgan Hill Unified School District Trustee Area 7. To find your Trustee Area, visit mhusd.org and click “Find Your Trustee” tab
• Must be 18 years of age or older
• Citizen of California
• Registered voter