MH PONY baseball tryouts
Morgan Hill Pony Baseball will hold player evaluations for Mustang (9-10), Bronco (11-12) and Pony (13-14) divisions on Saturday.
All tryouts will be held at Britton Middle School, with the following schedule:
9am to 10:30am — First year players last names A-M
10:30 to noon — First year players last names N-Z
12:30 to 2pm — Second year players last names A-M
2pm to 3:30pm — Second year players last names N-Z
If you can’t make your scheduled time please come when you can, it is better to be evaluated at a different time than not at all.
No evaluations will be held for Shetland (5-6) or Pinto (7-8).
Rain date is Feb. 7. Times to be announced.
Pony Baseball is for ages 5-16.
The season’s first practices will be held around Feb. 14.
MH PONY baseball is also sponsoring its final workout session for all Pinto through Pony division players on Sunday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Live Oak High baseball field.
All sessions are free and will be held rain or shine.
Details: call John Bennett in the evenings at (408) 776-0963.
In addition, Spring 2004 late registration takes place Wednesday, Feb. 4, 7:30-8:30 p.m., at Mountain Mike’s Pizza, Tennant Station and Monterey Road.
Birth certificates requested for first time registrants.
Managers and coaches are also needed for the league.
Details: or 778-6472.
MH Spirit tryouts
MH Spirit girls softball will hold its player evaluations on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at San Martin-Gwinn School in San Martin.
Details: call Jon Thomas at 776-0267.
Sobrato high seeking coaches
New Sobrato High Athletic Director Dennis Martin is looking for coaches for all sports to be offered at the new high school.
According to Martin, Sobrato plans to offer the same sports as Live Oak offers, with the exception that the Bulldogs will compete at the junior varsity level.
Martin said Sobrato is especially in need of coaches for fall sports programs, including football, boys and girls water polo, boys and girls cross-country, girls field hockey, girls volleyball, girls tennis and girls golf.
But Martin added that he will accept coaching inquiries for all sports.
Martin said Sobrato plans to begin competing in sports at the high school level in Fall 2004.
Of course, Sobrato’s ability to compete in all those sports will depend on the level of student participation.
Details: call Martin at 201-6145.
Softball coaches needed
Pride of Morgan Hill Girls Softball is seeking coaches for their ‘B’ teams in the 10U, 12U, 14U and 16U age groups.
If you are interested please contact Mike Turay at 588-6534 by Feb. 10.
The next Pride of Morgan Hill Softball Board meeting takes place Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m., at the Grange Hall, 40 E. Fourth St.
Board meetings are always on the second Tuesday of each month and are open to the public.
The Morgan Hill Pride 16U girls softball team is still seeking four or five players, including pitchers.
Details: call Rich Yamashita at (408) 930-1242 or Steve Hayes at (408) 683-2272.
OVYSL to hold tryouts
The Orchard Valley Youth Soccer League will be holding its annual tryouts for competition teams on Feb. 7-8 and Feb. 14-15 at both Rod Kelley School in Gilroy and P.A. Walsh School in Morgan Hill.
All players born between Aug. 1, 1986 and Aug. 1 1995 are invited to attend. There is no fee for tryouts. Players must be in shin guards and cleats.
Details: visit the OVYSL Web site at, call the hotline at (408) 779-6696 or contact boys coaches’ rep Ricardo Martinez at (408) 776-7745 or girls coaches’ rep Jill Riolo at (408) 776-1423.
Barnstormers tryouts
The Central Coast Barnstormers semipro adult football team will be holding tryouts every Saturday through Feb. 14 at South Valley Junior High in Gilroy.
Details: call Jose Rodriguez at (408) 968-9574 or Eric Snyder at (831) 801-0847.
Shockers tryouts
The Gilroy Shockers 12A/B and 10U fastpitch softball travel teams are holding tryouts Sunday, Feb. 1, at Gilroy High School girls varsity field.
Pitchers and catchers tryouts begin at 10 a.m. and all other position tryouts begin at 11 a.m.
Details: Andy Garcia (10U teams), sd*****@ea*******.net or Lino De La Cruz (12U teams), 802-1788.
Cheerleading coach needed
The Morgan Hill Raiders are now accepting Head Coaching applications for their 2004 cheerleading season.
Interviews take place at the Holiday Inn Express, 17035 Condit Road, on Feb. 10, at 7 p.m. All interviews are by appointment only.
Contact the Raiders Hotline at 776-3044 for more information or for an application.