music in the park, psychedelic furs

A presentation on Morgan Hill Unified School District’s “Be Seen and Heard” sexual abuse training for students will be introduced to the board of education at the Oct. 3 meeting.
School officials already added to its sexual predator identification training for teachers and has implemented “this training that raises awareness and provides students with strategies to help stay safe in potential abusive situations,” according to Tuesday’s agenda. “In the interest of student safety, MHUSD will be presenting the ‘Be Seen and Heard’ training to all students during the end of October and early November.”
In March, district leaders agreed to an $8.25 million settlement with the families of three student victims who were molested by former Paradise Valley Elementary School teacher John Loyd. At that time, it was also mandated that district officials implement additional predatory identification training program for all MHUSD staff members as well as develop a similar curriculum to educate students on the practices. In August, the district implemented a new Mandated Reporter training module to teachers that included training on the behaviors that may cause school personnel to have a reasonable suspicion and information on the “grooming” process, according to a district staff report in June.
Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Glen Webb will lead the presentation, which is the first item under general business for the board to review.
Two other items also on the Oct. 3 agenda are: 1) Call for candidates for the Santa Clara County Committee on School District Organization; and 2) Discussion on scheduling next Board Goals Workshop.
The school board meeting will take place at the district’s 15600 Concord Circle headquarters. Closed session begins at 4:30 p.m. with public session starting around 6 p.m.
Peet Road elementary school site
A couple of consent calendar work orders on the Oct. 3 agenda are related the development of the Peet Road property for the new S.G. Borello Elementary School. Those items (which will be approved with a single vote along with other consent items) are:
• $9,030 contract (Capital Facilities proceeds) with School Site Solutions for “additional hours in order to comply with the CEQA requirements” and to “re-draft the application to the California Dept. of Education to reflect the CEQA mitigation and any modifications to the campus.”
• $26,102 contract (Capital Facilities proceeds) with McKim Design Group for “additional hours in order to comply with the CEQA requirements.” Also, district voided a $3,000 contract with Alfatech Electrical Engineering.
• $2,000 contract (Capital Facilities) with Charles M. Salter Associates for “traffic, outdoor, classroom, play yard, and mechanical noise analysis and CEQA support.”
• $41,775 contract (Capital Facilities) with Fehr & Peers for traffic circulation analysis to help with CEQA.
• $8,725 contract (Capital Facilities) with Placeworks for “dam inundation, pipeline risk assessment, electromagnetic field study consultation, CEQA response to comments and CEQA support.”
• $275,026 contract (Capital Facilities) with Cleary Consultants Inc. “to perform the RAW implementation, industrial hygienist and excavation supervision work as outlined in the RAW document and as directed by the DTSC field supervisor. This agreement includes, but is not limited to, full time air monitoring by certified industrial health technicians, full time management of the removal excavation of the site, incremental soil sample monitoring, and final coordination and documentation with the DTSC at the end of the Project.”
Adult Education
Marc Lopez, Principal of Adult Education and Career Pathways, will give a report to the board on the programs offered, certifications and degrees students can receive at Community Adult School.

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