EDITOR: When we deciced to move from Houston to the Bay Area 15
years ago, having in mind providing better education for our
children, Morgan Hill came very highly recommended. My husband and
I were impressed by the standard set by the district then.
When we deciced to move from Houston to the Bay Area 15 years ago, having in mind providing better education for our children, Morgan Hill came very highly recommended. My husband and I were impressed by the standard set by the district then.
My daughter first learned to read notes in fifth grade in the after-school music program. She is now in ninth grade and has participated in various competitions and festivals including the elite Emerald Regime Marching Band. She is truly looking forward to three more years of being a band “geek” and hanging out in the band room with her band friends.
I have another son who is going into seventh grade and he, too, is looking forward to playing and being a part of the prestigious Emerald Regime tradition. Please don’t let their dreams die.
If the school district is truly committed to meeting high standards, supporting quality teachers and higher student academic achievements, then it needs to show your support to the music program. Band members are the future leaders of our community.
Mina Almerido, Morgan Hill