music in the park, psychedelic furs

No room for name calling this election; it is a time of healing instead

Dear Editor,

Recent letter writer Alan Viarengo refers to mayoral candidate Dr. Peter Arellano and Council candidate Paul Kloecker as cancers. I suppose in today’s political environment, name calling serves as a substitute for actual political discourse. The irony in Mr. Viarengo’s cancer statement is not lost, given the fact that Dr. Arellano is actually a healer. And, heal we must.

There are many important issues facing the City of Gilroy, and it’s important we confront those issues head on, working together to develop innovative solutions for complicated problems. We need passionate leaders who are willing to lead from a position of inclusiveness, not leaders who seek to divide and conquer through fear.

Our mayoral candidates offer very distinct choices for Gilroy’s future.  I believe Dr. Arellano is the right choice and the only candidate who is uniquely qualified to represent all Gilroy constituents. Furthermore, Dr. Arellano is committed to partnering with our local School Board to ensure that our children receive the best possible education. He understands the role education plays in creating a vibrant economic base and in providing opportunities for our citizens to climb the economic ladder.

Let’s all work together to create a better Gilroy by electing Dr. Peter Arellano for Mayor.

Tony Rangel, Gilroy

‘Cancer’ too harsh of a word to describe pair of hardworking candidates

Dear Editor,

I have just read the vitriol that Alan Viarengo wrote in Friday’s (Sept. 7, 2012) Dispatch. My first thought was “here we go again; The Tea Party “Patriots” are at it again” But this time I may be mistaken with that first thought. As a South County member of the Santa Clara County Democratic Party’s Central Committee, I have the privilege of knowing many residents of both Gilroy and Morgan Hill, and have heard from local Democrats and Republicans alike that this man, (Mr. Viarengo) may just have a mental or emotional problem and just can’t help but spout these kinds of opinions without considering that he may not know what he is talking about.

After all, everyone has a right to express his or her own opinion, and a paper like the Dispatch may feel that it is in the best interest of its readers in printing it. That said, I feel that the writer is wrong in his opinion. A person or candidate cannot be a cancer; it is not medically possible. He is using a horrid medical condition to describe these two fine people and he has offended every person who has the condition or who has a loved one with the condition. Cancer is still equated with a long slow suffering and painful death. Shame on you Mr. Viarengo!

I have known the two people that he refers to as a “cancer” for some time. Peter is an honest hardworking Council member, and the new candidate Rebeca Armendáriz is a smart, warm considerate Latina woman who is committed to her city, her community and to the values we all hold dear in South County. We are in desperate need of another woman and Latina role model in Gilroy. She will bring fresh eyes and ideas to the Council. I have never heard of a candidate being appointed to a seat without an election, so Mr. Viarengo, you may want to check your facts.

From what I have learned, the readers of this paper already know about you Mr. Viarengo, (it’s not good) and you have given me a great opportunity to educate the voters about two great candidates.


Swanee Edwards, Morgan Hill

Why does Obama need Clinton’s help to defeat the Republicans this year?

Dear Editor,

All of the “experts” and pundits claim that Romney and Ryan are unlikeable and unelectable. The polls show Obama leading in the “important swing states.” Is there something missing that we don’t know about? 

The Obama campaign has recruited former President Bill Clinton to join them on the campaign trail. If Obama is likeable and leading in the polls why do they need former President Bill Clinton?


Keith C. De Filippis, San Jose

Local farmers’ market more like a flea market; more produce vendors needed

Dear Editor,

I have lived in Gilroy for three years. I was astonished when I first moved here that Gilroy had no farmers’ market given that it has been a “farming” community for a long time. I used to shop regularly at the farmers’ market in San Jose in the old Mervyn’s parking lot on Blossom Hill Road. It runs year-round, has many vendors and LOTS of customers. I found the Morgan Hill farmers’ market and have been shopping over there in the past years. 

This year I have been to the Gilroy market three times and it’s just not providing what a customer wants. 

The days that I was there only two produce vendors were open. That is just not enough diversity. It is more like a flea market than a farmers’ market. 

I hope Gilroy can get more vendors and make it more interesting because then those of us who have given it a try would be willing and able to tell our friends about it and recommend it to them.


Marjorie Apel, Gilroy

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