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Charter schools pillage the funds for public schools and tell lies, lies and more lies
Dear Editor,
In response to Matt Hammer’s response to my letter that opposes Rocketship and Navigator opening charter schools in Morgan Hill, once again please correct me if I’m wrong.
The Walton Family Foundation (Wal-Mart), through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation is funding Matt Hammer’s Innovate “Public” Schools to produce studies decrying our public school system as failing. Charter schools (Rocketship, also funded by the Walton family) move in to “save” our underserved students. They build cramped facilities on 20% of the recommended acreage for elementary schools, replace experienced teachers with Teach for America associates at a 45 students-to-one teacher ratio, plunk students down in front of a computer, drill to the test, achieve good scores due to a narrowed curriculum, and then parade easily-influenced minority families around showcasing their children as well-served without any longitudinal data on their model of education.
Furthermore, they continue to use misleading and inaccurate data about the local schools. This “best practice” educational plan allegedly produces “high-performing” charter schools, according to Mr. Hammer, catching the attention of mayors, superintendents, and other public officials across our nation, creating a demand to open more “quick fix” charter schools in their underserved communities.
I think it is safe to say that the name of their largest supporter (campaign contributor) is probably the Walton Family Foundation. What’s in your wallet, Mr. Hammer? As for the data presented in Mr. Hammer’s letter, the facts are not as clear as he claims. I strongly suspect that Jessica Garcia Kohl’s (Development director for Rocketship) and her husband Sam Liccardo (City of San Jose Councilman and mayoral candidate) may be working from the same playbook (“Statisticsgate”).
When the City of San Jose experienced an increase in gang-related crimes, due to cutbacks of officers on patrol (high resident to cop ratios), they changed the definition of “gang-related” crimes. From one year to the next, there was a dramatic drop in all gang crime categories. City officials gave credit for the suppression of gang violence to the mayor’s “high-performing” Gang Task Force. As an anonymous insider, Jessica (no lie), told the Investigative Unit for NBC Bay Area News, “I think the public has a false perception of what’s really going on in their neighborhoods, and for the city to come out and basically say things are hunky dory,” she said. “It’s crap.” Sound familiar?
The public has a false perception of public school performance in their neighborhoods due to the loose use of data (definitions and criteria) by self-serving charters, their corporate supporters, and Innovate Public Schools. Please, Mr. Hammer, if you want low-income parents to have options in Morgan Hill or elsewhere, tell your benefactor to pay a livable wage. All children deserve a democracy that believes in public-funded high-quality education. Children of Wal-Mart employees do not deserve to live in poverty and do not deserve to have corporations raiding funds from their neighborhood schools.
Please share this with your readership. Otherwise, in the near future, a simple gift of an apple to a beloved teacher will be replaced by donation bins requesting non-perishable items so teachers and their families can enjoy the holidays.  
John N. Bronson, retired educator, San Jose

Simple way to get a ‘warm, fuzzy’ holiday season feeling
Dear Editor,
To get a warm and fuzzy feeling this holiday season, consider donating to a local animal-care organization such as wildlife rehabilitation, pet shelter, and animal rescue group, who are always in need of that extra helping of generosity. 
Giving to a local organization enhances your community and produces immediate and visible results. 
Many of these organizations, including W.E.R.C., are supported solely by donations from individuals and companies. A donation to your favorite animal charity can make a heart-warming, deeply appreciated gift and gives the giver a feeling of goodwill (and a tax deduction, too).
A word of warning: Beware of fly-by-night “charities”. Check out an organization before sending off a check. If you’re not familiar with the organization, ask for the phone number and address. Call to see if they’re reputable or have them to send you more information. The organization should have a 501(c)(3) tax-exemption number.
It’s your hard-earned money – don’t hesitate to ask questions regarding where that money goes.  W.E.R.C. wishes to thank all in our community who have generously donated throughout the year to help us help the helpless … injured and orphaned native wildlife that would not have survived on their own.  
Sue Howell, Executive Director, Wildlife Education & Rehabilitation Center, Morgan Hill

Senate majority leader exempts staff from Obamacare
Dear Editor,
Per CNN, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has exempted his staff members from participating in Obamacare. This is very confusing us working people do not have the option of not participating in Obamacare. Why congressional staff members and selected union members are are given this option? 
If Obamacare is good for us, why isn’t it good for the privileged few? Didn’t we leave Europe to form a class free nation? Why then are there different rules for different groups of people?
Keith C. De Filippis, San Jose

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