music in the park, psychedelic furs

Moving Central High School was anything but a decision ‘made in some back room’
Dear Editor,
I’ve read many letters to the editor ridiculing the school board about their  decision to move Central High over to the old Burnett site.  The residents in the area all had a chance to voice their opinion at the school board meetings held before the final decision was made.
Moving Central wasn’t a decision that was made in some back room as Steve Smith implies.  It was discussed at several “open to the public “meetings where Morgan Hill residents had a chance to voice their opinion about issues that are important to them. I’ve attended school board meetings and have never had a hard time finding a seat.
Support your school board all the time not just when it suits you. The Morgan Hill School District boundaries are from San Martin to Bernal Road in south San Jose.  So moving Central to the new location makes sense,  since it would be more centrally located. Central High serves all of the school district, not just Morgan Hill.
The students at  Central aren’t just kids from the downtown area as Mr. Smith insinuated. He also alluded to future problems with kids hanging out, trash, graffiti, noise, and crime. That doesn’t happen now, Central has a nice clean campus and the area surrounding the school doesn’t experience any of these problems. Are Mr. Smiths concerns based more on speculation than facts?  
I am proud to say my daughter graduated from Central. She went from being a grade behind to graduating early, then moving on to art school.  
We visited Central and asked that she be transferred from Live Oak. She excelled in smaller classes with more one on one access to the teachers. We told  friends and family it was like transferring her to a private school. Many students use Central as their school of choice. Some students go there because of behavior or education issues. It’s wrong to label every student at Central as “trouble makers” that will somehow threaten our community.
 Many students have problems on larger campuses with crowded classrooms. And many of them benefit and excel because of the smaller classroom populations at Central. The students at Central are held to higher standards than at other schools
How sad it is that Mr. Smith’s opinions are based on what he “imagines” will happen, and how self-serving is it that his armchair opinions don’t offer the same tolerance and acceptance that we try so hard to teach our children and students.
Linda Roma on behalf of the The Roma Family, Morgan Hill

Red Phone hit the pavement with the wheels on answer to shopping cart issue
Dear Editor,
WAY TO GO RED PHONE! Your example is perfect. We should all try to set an example for the people who think it is ok to spend someone else’s money.
It’s also just trashy when you fail to do your part to make the place we live a little better. Thanks for your part in our community.
Frank Carlyle King, Morgan Hill

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