music in the park, psychedelic furs

Although the start of school is more than a month away for
Morgan Hill UnifiedSchool District students, it is time to think
about registration for students new to the district, officials
said. School begins on Monday, Aug. 29.
Although the start of school is more than a month away for Morgan Hill UnifiedSchool District students, it is time to think about registration for students new to the district, officials said.

School begins on Monday, Aug. 29.

The enrollment center for the district is located in the District Office, 156000 Concord Circle. The center will be open Tuesday through Thursday, 8am-4pm, Wednesdays from 8am-7pm, until Aug. 12. Beginning Monday, Aug. 15, the center will be open Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm.

Parents and guardians of children in grades k-6 need to bring the child’s birth certificate and immunization record with them, as well as proof of residency (utility bill, driver’s license, escrow papers or copy of a lease/rental agreement).

Kindergarten students will also need to have a physical exam.

Registration for elementary students will take place only at the enrollment center, not at the individual school sites.

Most elementary students and their families can find out who their teacher will be on Aug. 26, when class assignments will be posted at the sites. Burnett Elementary and Los Paseos Elementary will mail students their class assignments the week before school starts.

Secondary students will have a slightly different routine. Last year’s sixth and seventh grade students registered for seventh and eighth grade before the end of the last school year. Registration for new students at Martin Murphy Middle School, 141 Avenida Espana, San Jose, will be held on Aug. 16, 17 and 18, 8:30-11:30am. Incoming seventh graders and all students new to Murphy are invited to attend an orientation Aug. 25 at 5pm. An information packet will be mailed to all students prior to orientation.

Seventh and eighth grade students attending Britton Middle School, 80 W. Central Ave., are invited to attend an orientation on Aug. 26, at 6pm. Free hotdogs will be served between 5-5:45pm. New Britton students who did not register at the end of the last school year can register beginning Aug. 15. Registration and testing will be held daily from 8:30-11:30am. Information packets and student schedules will be distributed to incoming seventh graders and new students during orientation; returning eig-hth graders will receive the information packet and their schedule on the first day of school.

For students new to Central Continuation High School, 17960 Monterey Road, registration begins Aug. 10 and will continue through the weeks of Aug. 15 and 22 by appointment only.

New Live Oak High students may pick up registration packets at the school, 1505 E. Main Ave., beginning Aug. 1. Once completed packets are turned in, counselors will call to set appointments.

Returning students can pick up their schedules during these days: seniors, Aug. 22, 8-11am; juniors, Aug. 23, 8-11am; sophomores, Aug. 24, 8-11am; freshmen will receive schedules following orientation on Aug. 25 (a time for the orientation was unavailable at press time).

Registration for new Ann Sobrato High students will begin Aug. 1, 8am-noon, 1-4pm, at the school, 401 Burnett Ave. A back-to-school packet will be mailed to all students on Aug. 9. New and returning students are invited to attend orientation on the following dates: juniors, Aug. 25, in the morning (times have not been determined); sophomores, Aug. 25, in the afternoon; freshmen, Aug. 26, in the morning.

For questions about a student’s school of residence, call the Facilities Department, 201-6085.

Marilyn Dubil covers education and law enforcement for The Times. She can be reached by e-mail at md****@mo*************.com or phoning (408)779-4106 Ext. 202.

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