music in the park, psychedelic furs

This past week was not just any ordinary week for the Acorns. It
was Winter Homecoming!!!
This past week was not just any ordinary week for the Acorns. It was Winter Homecoming!!!

Many students showed their school spirit by dressing up to the various themes picked out for each day. Monday was “Snow Day,” Tuesday was “Super Hero Day,” Wednesday was “Military Day,” Thursday was “Band T-Shirt Day” and Friday was the usual “School Spirit/Colors Day.”

I must say that Friday was the most spirited day by far! Students of all classes dressed up in their green and gold and showed their “nutty” pride.

There was also an awesome rally which took place on Friday.

All of the winter sports teams were introduced which consisted of the Freshmen, JV & Varsity Girls and Boys Soccer and Basketball teams!

Apologies go out to the Rugby team, for they were not recognized! We still praise you for your outstanding record so far! The cheerleaders and song girls also performed a dance routine together as well as the hip hop dance team.

One event at the rally that the students definitely enjoyed was when eight teachers and staff members were “pied”, or were hit in the face with whipped cream pies.

What good sports! However, the highlight of the rally was when the finalists for the Royal Court were introduced.

It was later that evening, between the JV and Varsity boys basketball games, when the King and Queen for each class were announced.

Although the JV and Varsity boys played well, both teams were defeated by the San Benito Haybalers. We’re still proud of all of them!

Many students will be taking the California High School Exit Exam today and tomorrow. Good luck to all of those who will be taking the test!

Allyson Yamashita is the ASB President at Live Oak High School.

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