Wildflower Run helps educate girls, women

The American Association of University Women in Morgan Hill will
host their 26th annual Wildflower Run April 5. This is a 10K run,
5K run/walk, and 2K run for kids 12 and younger.
The American Association of University Women in Morgan Hill will host their 26th annual Wildflower Run April 5. This is a 10K run, 5K run/walk, and 2K run for kids 12 and younger.

The run begins and ends at Live Oak High School, 1505 E. Main Ave. The course is a country setting with flat terrain on paved roads and is USATF certified.

Online registration is available at www.active.com.

Runner registration begins at 7:30 am. The 2K Fun Run for 12 and younger begins at 8:30 a.m., the 10K starts at 9 a.m., and the 5K run/2alk at 9:15 a.m.

The cost is $25 by March 28, $30 after March 28, $50 for a family of three plus $10 for each additional member. Groups are welcome and may contact Wendy for team pricing.

Proceeds from the Wildflower Run will be used to fund scholarships for local girls and women, including:

  • Sobrato, Central, and Live Oak High School senior girls to continue their education at a college.

  • Local 7th grade girls to attend Tech Trek Math/Science camp at Stanford University. This camp is designed to encourage girls to engage in math and science activities.

n Local Gavilan College women to continue their educational pursuits.

  • Scholarships for graduate women through the National Association Educational Foundation.

Details: Visit www.aauw-morganhill.org or call Wendy at 778-3924.

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