One of the perks of working for the local newspaper is being able to sponsor and participate in wonderful community events and fundraisers. On Sunday, The Morgan Hill Times – and many other local businesses – sponsored the 30th annual Wildflower Run. If you aren’t familiar with this event, it is put on by the America Association of University Women, which provides scholarships to local girls. The Wildflower run includes a 10K run, 5K run, 5K walk, a 2K run for children 5-10 years old, and new for 2013 a “stroller run”.
I learned a few things Sunday. First, this is an incredibly well-organized event from the registration process through the finish festival. Second, I can still jog/run/walk about 3 miles in less than 45 minutes. And lastly, I learned that our chief photographer Lora Schraft runs approximately twice as fast as I do. Lora ran the 10K and I did the 5K. The 10K started 15 minutes before the 5K. I’m huffing and puffing the last few yards toward the finish line and that big white arch where refreshments and free massages await and then I see Lora who appears to be sprinting ahead of me in hot pink socks.
I did manage to finish slightly ahead of Connor, a 4-year-old who completed the 5K with his mom. Throughout the course Connor kept myself and several others motivated as those thoughts of “there’s no way I’m going to make it” entered our subconscious. He was awarded a special finishers medal at the end of the race as the youngest entrant. He posed on the podium with his biceps flexed and a huge smile on his face. Thank you Connor for reminding me that running was meant to be child’s play. I’m betting little Connor’s calf muscles weren’t screaming at him on Monday morning like mine were. I don’t typically run that fast or that far unless I’m late for a flight.
For those of you who missed it (although by looking at the number of people at Live Oak High School, I don’t think there were many Morgan Hill residents who weren’t there) be sure and get out there next year. Young or old, walker or runner, this is a great time and benefits a terrific cause supporting education through scholarships. To learn more about the Wildflower Run or AAUW of Morgan Hill, visit
Dana Arvig is the Interim Publisher and VP of Advertising for The Morgan Hill Times, Gilroy Dispatch and Hollister Free Lance. Please feel free to contact her with your comments about our publications at: da****@sv**********.com or 408-842-5755.