music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor, 

Rep. Richard Pombo’s hit pieces on Democrat Jerry McNerney are so pathetic that voters may turn against Pombo out of disgust with wasting their time and cluttering their mailboxes with this inane nonsense. The latest one says McNerney “can’t be trusted in Congress” because he missed a few elections over the last 26 years. What’s next, McNerney burnt the coffee one day?

All this negativity emphasizes that, after 14 years in Congress, Pombo has nothing positive to offer and can’t run on his record.

But Pombo may be right that McNerney “can’t be trusted in Congress” — that is, can’t be trusted to take contributions from corrupt lobbyists and corporate interests and do their bidding to the detriment of everyone else’s health and well-being. McNerney can’t be trusted to blindly follow the party line 95 percent of the time. McNerney can’t be trusted to give over $350,000 of campaign contributions to his family.

We just can’t trust McNerney to be one of the corrupt, corporate toadies and right-wing party hacks that populate today’s Congress.

However, we can trust that McNerney will be honest, ethical, and decent, and that he will support the troops, since his son is one of them. Vote for change and a new energy in Congress this November.

Scott Restivo, Benicia

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