Voices College-Bound Language Academies—which has a Morgan Hill school authorized through the Santa Clara County Office of Education—will open two new schools in 2020 and 2021.
By a 7-0 vote, the Stockton Unified School District’s Board of Trustees approved the two schools: Voices Stockton and Voices San Joaquin.
“The tremendous support Voices received from Stockton community leaders in addition to our collaboration with educators, elected officials and parents made this possible and allows Voices to reach more students and families with our academic program and powerful culture,” said Voices founder Frances Teso in a May 10 announcement.
The public charter school network has schools in Franklin-McKinley (San Jose), Morgan Hill, Mt. Pleasant and West Contra Costa.
“With the approval of our two Voices Stockton schools, we are one step closer to reaching a tremendous milestone—replicating five new Voices schools and thereby impacting the lives of thousands of students and families.”
Voices-Morgan Hill, located at 610 Jarvis Drive, is currently a transitional kindergarten through fourth grade site, with plans for annual growth up until eighth grade.