An outpouring of sadness, respect and shock hit friends, colleagues, students and parents immediately after word began to spread Jan. 20 of the tragic death of a beloved middle school science teacher.
A veteran educator of more than 20 years at Martin Murphy Middle School, Mary Francis, 61, of Monterey, touched the lives of hundreds of students who walked through her classroom doors and throughout the Morgan Hill Unified School District community.
Francis lost her life in the early morning hours of Jan. 20 while on her way to work when the vehicle she was driving collided with a fallen tree on Skyline Drive near her Monterey home in a heavily forested area, according to district staff.
Countless comments filled social media message boards as information and fond memories were exchanged; a makeshift memorial was enshrined on campus paying homage to the seventh grade science department chair; and a special ceremony preceded the school’s Jan. 24 basketball game.
“Mary was an education leader, a science leader, a passionate teacher and I’m proud to have called her my friend,” said Susan Paulsen, the science department chair at Live Oak High School.
The two educators attended training together for the new rollout of the Next Generation Science Standards and were working with other department chairs on the best way for implementation of the NGSS in local district schools.
“She was a powerful force in science education that held her students to high values and had a passion for science education,” said Paulsen, who also shared a love of canine sports with Francis.
Francis has a sheltie and was looking forward to breeding Golden Retriever puppies that were from her show kennel lines, according to Paulsen.
Heather Rottenborn, a science department chair and AP Biology/Anatomy teacher at Ann Sobrato High School, was heartbroken when she learned the tragic news of a single-car accident that cut short the life of a “good friend,” a mentor and a colleague.
“Mary was a reflective, thoughtful teacher that maintained her enthusiasm with an energy level that always impressed me and encouraged me in all situations in which we were together,” shared Rottenborn, who was mentored as a new teacher at Sobrato by Francis. “I learned from her and thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent collaborating on projects.”
From mentoring to collaborating, Rottenborn said she aligned science curricula with Francis so students would make a smooth transition from middle school to high school.
“She was optimistic and hardworking, dedicated to engaging students in the wonder of science to ‘hook them’ and inspire them to the next level as they went on to high school when I have them,” added Rottenborn, who enjoyed having Francis’ middle school science students work together with her advanced high school students for the love of science.
In honor of Francis, a temporary memorial was constructed at Martin Murphy’s Innovative Learning Center and students were encouraged to write a note of remembrance as they work through the grieving process, according to district staff. Grief counselors were also deployed on the Martin Murphy campus to help support students and staff through the unexpected loss of one of its faculty.
“Mary Francis truly cared for her students, and worked tirelessly to help ensure them the best possible school experience,” said Martin Murphy principal Alex Aasen of the beloved seventh grade science teacher. “Our school is far better for her having taught here. We will miss her tremendously.”
Kira Fuss, 18, a former student of Francis’ at Murphy who now attends Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, vividly recalled the last time she made a visit to her middle school alma mater to visit a couple years ago.
“She remembered me and she was so excited to see me. She’s always happy,” said Fuss, who enjoyed Francis as her science teacher for two years and was a member of her science club. “It means a lot that she remembered me and asked how everything was going. She really cared about her students.”
Fuss described her inspirational teacher as someone who “always encouraged me and all of the girls to get involved in science and helped us with our projects for the science fairs.”
“In the classroom, she was a great teacher who always tried to make sure everyone understood before moving on,” Fuss added. “After school in club, she always took time with everyone.”
Outside of the school environment, Francis remained “bubbly and fun-loving,” and enjoyed playing and listening to music, horseback riding and competition, dog training competition and “many other hobbies that made her well-rounded and interesting on many levels,” Rottenborn detailed.
“She was a warm personality and was inclusive so that it was so easy to be comfortable around her,” Rottenborn said. “I am heartbroken to have lost her, and our community has lost an excellent friend and educator.”
Another one of Francis’ seventh grade students, Sofia Aliamus, plans to compete in the Synopsis Science Fair Championships in March in her honor.
“She was one of the best science teachers I’ve ever had and I am so glad that she was my teacher,” Aliamus said.
Francis is survived by her son, daughter, mother, boyfriend and daughter-in-law.
The entire MHUSD school community is mourning the loss of the dedicated educator as further demonstrated by nearly 50,000 shares of her obituary on the Times’ Facebook and heartfelt comments from colleagues and parents of her students over the last two decades.
“Known on campus for her enthusiastic passion for science, Ms. Francis played an integral part in helping students find their own passion for the subject,” the district’s Jan. 20 press release reads. “Throughout her more than 20 years of teaching, her love of learning never ceased and as science department chair, she was a strong and steady advocate for student achievement.”
Friday, Feb. 3
Viewing at Mission Mortuary Monterey
450 Camino El Estero, Monterey, CA 93940
6 to 8 p.m. (Rosary begins at 7 p.m.)
Saturday Feb. 4
Services at San Carlos Cathedral (The Royal Presidio Chapel)
500 Church Street, Monterey, CA 93940
9:30 am