music in the park, psychedelic furs

Two transient males raped a 13-year-old girl near Christmas Hill
Park Wednesday night after giving her

various intoxicants,

police said.
Two transient males raped a 13-year-old girl near Christmas Hill Park Wednesday night after giving her “various intoxicants,” police said.

About 6 p.m., the girl was in the south Gilroy Park for an unspecified reason when she happened upon two homeless men – Cresencio Eberardo Blas, 29, and Benancio Quinones Leon, 49 – who she had not met before, according to police. The trio hung out for a “few hours” while the men “provided the victim with various intoxicants,” according to police. Then, “without warning,” the men attacked and raped the girl several times, according to police.

The victim eventually notified someone of the attack and was taken for treatment at a local but unspecified hospital, according to police. Police went out to the scene of the crimes and found the two men – who had built an encampment on the levee, according to police. The girl confirmed the men as her assailants, and police arrested them. One of the men had an unspecified item that belonged to the girl on him at the time of his arrest.

The two men were later booked into the Santa Clara County Jail for a variety of unspecified crimes that carry with them the potential for life in prison, according to police.

Police did not know of any other crimes that the two men had committed or been involved with prior to this rape, according to police.

Police did not say why the girl was in the park alone at night, what type of intoxicants the men gave the girl, or whether the men threatened the girl with any weapons.

More details about the rape and photos of the suspects will be posted Thursday afternoon.

Anyone with information can contact Detective Martin Beltran at 846-0334. Anonymous parties can call 846-0330.

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