music in the park, psychedelic furs

See what we’ve got in store for the latest issue of the Morgan
Hill Times.
See what we’ve got in store for the latest issue of the Morgan Hill Times.

IDENTITY THEFT: Morgan Hill woman becomes a victim of identity theft when theives coincidentally use her drivers license number while making a fake ID to pass forged checks from a stolen bank account. But she’s not the only one, identity theft is on the rise nationwide.

SOCCER COMPLEX: In order to accomplish the goal of increasing public access to the fields on Condit Road, the city may sacrifice soon sacrifice soccer tournaments that bring customers to local businesses and tax revenue to city coffers.

WILLIAMSON ACT TRANSFERS: Transferring out of the county’s Williamson Act – a tax break program for people who use their land for farming – may bring headaches from the Department of Conversation, but one county supervisor say the DOC’s bark is worse than its bite.

SOLAR FEE REFUND: City Council offers refunds to residents who installed solar panels and paid some of the highest fees in the Bay Area to do so.

WATER ORDINANCE: As the city continues to grow with the surrounding region, water supply will become more scarce. Councilmembers pass a new ordinance designed to encourage water conservation in local landscaping.

PERCHLORATE: Environmental Protection Agency releases perchlorate clean up levels four times greater than California’s health goal.

EDITORIAL: Trustees showed sound judgment in approving the charter for Morgan Hill’s Charter School, but now they must make sure the school lives up to its end of the bargain.

EXTRA CREDIT: Our latest feature shows readers events, news and announcements from local schools. Click on the Extra Credit logo in the right hand column of our Web site to submit your own news and photos or call 779-4106.

HELPING HEART AND HANDS: Morgan Hill resident Lyn Leibschutz has a heart of gold and the spirit of a true volunteer. Read why we’ve selected him as the Morgan Hill Times volunteer of the month.

MY POINT EXACTLY: Local columnist Lisa Pampuch has a visit from karma and learns a lesson about knowing when to put off fighting the good fight until tomorrow.

MUSHROOM CITY MEMOIRS: Columnist Gale Hammond isn’t going to watch the Superbowl on Sunday – but she won’t miss any of the commercials.

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