music in the park, psychedelic furs

Welcome to the latest edition of the Crimson Crusader’s column.
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I’m calling in regards to the Extreme Fitness gym located on Jarvis Drive. I wanted to let you guys know or maybe you could figure out what’s going on. I’ve already tried to get the owner’s name or phone number … The temperatures in that gym are exceeding 75-78 degrees. The employees at the gym said that the owner, located in Redding, is not going to be turning on the air conditioning. He’s going to get fans to cool down the gym. I think this shows awful business practices. The employees at the gym didn’t tell us this was a problem when we joined, and now I’m stuck in a contract. So basically to cool down the gym, they open the front doors. It’s really disgusting, and it seems like the owner is being evasive in explaining why his gym is not being taken care of. I’d really appreciate it if you could look into this and see what’s going on.


The Crusader visited Extreme Fitness and a large gym it is, too. The doors were open, the fans were spinning and the environment was normal room temperature, but this was at 9am. I returned to the gym at 3pm that day when the outside temperature was 82 degrees and found the gym to be a little warmer, for sure, but not entirely uncomfortable. Perhaps the staff has worked out a way to keep the gym ventilated without using the air conditioning?

The management at the gym informed us that their corporate directive concerning this issue is to keep the building at 75 degrees or below. This is the industry standard, as explained by the staff of Extreme Fitness. Air conditioning will be used if the gym goes above 75 degrees. The Crusader will continue to keep tabs on the gym to be sure they’re true to their word.

Our suggestion is to do what everyone should do when contemplating signing a contract to join a gym: try the place out a few times before you sign anything. Visit the gym at a time when you would expect the heaviest crowds to be there so you can judge the availability of the exercise machines. These try-out periods, which are available at Extreme Fitness, can also reveal how the operators regulate the temperature and ventilation of the gym as well. If the gym you are checking out is not willing to give you a few free passes, forget signing with them and go elsewhere … there’s lots of competition for your dollars out there.

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