When I ask golfers to hit a high pitch, most will have a
tendency to flip the club upward through impact. Yes, this is one
way to add loft, but few golfers can make this move without chunks
or skulls. The fact is, you rarely need more loft than a squarely
hit sand wedge provides.
When I ask golfers to hit a high pitch, most will have a tendency to flip the club upward through impact. Yes, this is one way to add loft, but few golfers can make this move without chunks or skulls. The fact is, you rarely need more loft than a squarely hit sand wedge provides.

To hit it high, focus on swinging the clubhead “long and low along the line”on the follow-through. If the club head hugs the ground through impact, the leading edge slides under the ball and pops it out the grass. Trust the club’s loft, and think of it as a shallow sweep through the ball. As a result, you’ll make more consistent contact and create plenty of height on the shot.

Dave Tuttle is the First Assistant Golf Pro at Coyote Creek Golf Course. For more information about classes call 463-8024.

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