EDITOR: When the holidays
– Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years – come so close together,
it is a little difficult to savor them. However, this year, since
it is our last year as active officers, we made a pre-New Year’s
resolution: we would – and did – savor them, and I’ll tell you
When the holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years – come so close together, it is a little difficult to savor them. However, this year, since it is our last year as active officers, we made a pre-New Year’s resolution: we would – and did – savor them, and I’ll tell you why.
So many wonderful people have lent us a hand in many ways – the media (who would have known we needed help id it hadn’t been for those huge ads in The Times, volunteers, volunteer coordinator, bell-ringers (special thanks to the city employees, Rotary Gilroy, Kiwanis Morgan Hill, Radiation Detection Co., Home Town Buffet, Bumble Bee, food box packers, KSBW and all those who participated and provided the “eats”, those who played music, cooked food, processed interview applications, raked leaves, washed floors, classified toys, helped distribute the food and toys, organized the Adopt-a-Family, and the “Army behind the Army”, our wonderful advisory board and our donors. Sorry we can’t manage a “group hug!”
By the time Christmas Day rolls around, usually the only thing Army officers and employees have left to do is “crash.” This year, thanks to our volunteers, we were not only able to entertain family and friends but were also able to come back to work Dec. 26. Thank you, Gilroy; thank you, San Martin; thank you, Morgan Hill.
Majors Hector
and Gerde Ramos,
Salvation Army, Gilroy