Teen stabbed at elementary school

Two teenagers spent their summer annoying and threatening the
residents of a Morgan Hill neighborhood with a series of pranks,
police said.
Two teenagers spent their summer annoying and threatening the residents of a Morgan Hill neighborhood with a series of pranks, police said.

After incidents were reported throughout July and August, the Morgan Hill school resource officer determined that a 13-year-old Sobrato High School student and a 14-year-old Live Oak High School student were behind the pranking spree, Capt. Jerry Neumayer said.

The teens were cited for vandalism on Sept. 1 and released to their parents, Neumayer said.

Residents and homeowners of the Spring Hill neighborhood in west Morgan Hill reported some of the incidents, Neumayer said.

Some of the less harmful pranks went unreported, and police learned about them only after contacting the neighbors, police said.

Incidents include threatening and sexually explicit notes left near some of the homes – some depicting symbols “that resembled swastikas,” Neumayer said. Some of the notes mentioned specific people in the neighborhood.

Other incidents include eggs thrown at vehicles, toilet paper strewn over yards and homes, and feces placed on vehicles, police said. Some incidents of graffiti or tagging were reported.

In one incident, one of the suspects used a permanent marker to draw a picture of a sexual organ on a home’s garage door, police said.

More than four homeowners of the neighborhood reported incidents to police, Neumayer said.

Police think the teens were acting “randomly” and were not necessarily targeting specific people. The teens knew each other.

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Michael Moore is an award-winning journalist who has worked as a reporter and editor for the Morgan Hill Times, Hollister Free Lance and Gilroy Dispatch since 2008. During that time, he has covered crime, breaking news, local government, education, entertainment and more.


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