Stephanie Rojas

Meet 18-year-old Stephanie Rojas, a senior at Sobrato High School and the Times’ “Student of the Week.”
What inspires you?
My family because I have seen how hard they worked to raise me and my little sisters. I want my parents to feel proud of me and I want to demonstrate to them that I appreciate everything they have done for me by doing well in school and being involved in the community.
Favorite subject in school:
Science because I find it fascinating in what makes up the world and every living organism on earth. There is always something new to learn and I like how there’s new challenging information I learn in every lesson, for example in my AP chemistry and AP biology classes.
If you had the power to change one thing in the world:
I would change how some teenagers think of education. I feel that many teenagers don’t see how important it is to try hard in school and they just don’t care about anything, I want them to try hard so they will have a better future.
If you could go anywhere:
I would go to Spain, Italy and Japan because I find their cultures very interesting.
Name one big challenge in your life right now:
Working on my high school requirements and my college applications because I have to manage my time to work on both things at the same time.
Dream job:
Becoming an OB/GYN because I think it’s so beautiful bringing a new human being to this world. I want to help others and I feel that I will help a lot of people through this job.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things could you not live without?
I wouldn’t be able to live without my phone, food and water.
Favorite book:
“The Great Gatsby” because it’s such an exciting book. It brings the reader so much excitement and at the same time it can make you angry because you might not agree with everything that happens in the novel.
Plans post high school:
Go to a four year university and major in biology so I can go into medical school and pursue my dream in becoming an OB/GYN doctor. I also plan in helping the community and the world by doing projects and going on missions.
Something that makes you smile:
When I help others. For example, when I went on my mission to Oaxaca, Mexico we gave out clothes to all the little children in a poor village and that made me smile because seeing all the little children jump of excitement made me feel happy.
The Times features a different student from a local high school each week during the school year. Students are selected by their principals.

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