Six Sobrato High School Future Farmers of America students recently competed in the Santa Clara Section Project Competition. Project Competition gives students an opportunity to share their knowledge of their agriculture projects. Judges visit each of the students at their home or places of work. Four students received gold awards and two students received silver awards.
Gold Awards:
Sara Naghavi
Ashley Pipken
Jenenetta Marisclan
Kathleen Lawson
Silver Awards:
Kevin Orepeza
Nick Alvarado
Jenenetta Marisclan, the Sobrato FFA chapter president, has been elected to be the 2006-07 Santa Clara section secretary.
In late April, nine students attended the state leadership conference in Fresno. They attended leadership seminars and skills workshops, along with 4,000 other FFA members from around the state.
Marisclan, Kevin Orepeza, Kirsti Whitmyre, Lynda Pospishek, Jacqui Finck, Andy Hui, Nick Alvarado, Matt Votaw and Ashley Pipken represented Sobrato at the conference.