Morgan Hill’s new school leader will be Wes Smith.
Morgan Hill’s new school leader will be Wes Smith.
Dr. Wesley Smith, 40, currently leads Cascade Union Elementary School District in Anderson, a small town south of Redding. Cascade Union is comprised of three elementary schools, a middle school and a day school, according to their Web site.
Smith told the Anderson Valley Post that he applied for the position and was among the finalists. Sources, including an Anderson city councilman and the police chief, confirmed to the Post that the Morgan Hill Unified School District board of trustees made the pilgrimage north to talk about Smith.
The Cascade school board will meet Tuesday morning in a closed session to discuss Smith’s resignation and the hiring of an interim superintendent, the Post reported.
The Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Education is scheduled to meet Tuesday evening to sign his contract and announce the selection to the community.
Smith told the Post that he would know his decision by Nov. 10. This is the same day Morgan Hill Unified plans to have a celebratory gathering to introduce the new hire to the community.
Dr. Alan Nishino, who led Morgan Hill Unified for four years, resigned in June. The board began the superintendent search shortly after he announced his resignation.