music in the park, psychedelic furs

While awaiting the results from the June 7 election that includes a two-candidate race for one remaining school board seat, Morgan Hill Unified School District’s board of education will reconvene for a regularly scheduled meeting the same night.
Candidates Thomas Arnett and Pamela Torrisi are vying for the abbreviated seventh school board seat vacated by former Trustee Amy Porter-Jensen in October 2015.
Meanwhile, the first order of business June 7 for the remaining six trustees is a $10,000 district request “for exploration and plan development purposes to authorize staff to explore the opportunity to offer a focus health science academy at El Toro Elementary School.”
The exploration phase will be 2016-17, installation/implementation phase 2017-18 and completing the full implementation 2018-19 school year, according to the agenda.
“Staff is requesting approval to allow the school community consisting of students, parents, classroom educators, administrator(s) and support staff, to develop a proposed plan by working with potential business partners, other educational agencies, professional educators and researchers specific to the instructional design for a comprehensive health science themed focus academy,” the June 7 agenda item’s rational explains.
If approved, El Toro would join other district focus academies: Jackson Academy of Math and Music; San Martin/Gwinn Environmental Science Academy; P.A. Walsh STEAM Academy; and Paradise Valley Engineering Academy.
Public hearings
—Public hearings will be conducted on the Local Control Accountability Plan, known as LCAP for 2016-19; another on the 2016-17 budget adoption; and a  last on the disclosure of district reserves and reasons.
Other general business
—Proposed 2016-17 Adopted Budget for the unrestricted and restricted General Funds as reported in the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) report.
—Approve fiscal year 2016-17 expenditure plan for Proposition 30 funds
Consent Items
—$67,500 contract (Routine Repair and Maintenance fund) for Charter School of Morgan Hill portable classroom finishes project. Work on three portables includes painting walls and ceiling grids, replacing ceiling tiles, leveling floors and new carpet, according to the agenda item’s rationale.
—$136,100 contract (Measure G) for sewer and water line replacement at P.A. Walsh STEAM Academy. “Due to aging of the original sewer line and the root intrusion, staff is recommending approval to proceed with the installation of a new sewer line and water line along the parking lot strip of classrooms #1-5,” the agenda item states.
—$286,300 contract (Mello-Roos fund) for Martin Murphy Middle School gym floor replacement. “Scope of work shall include the installation of the wood floor over the existing coated floor, repairs and/or replacement of doors (to meet ADA) and door thresholds,” according to agenda item.
—$522,600 contract (One-time discretionary funds) for Charter School of Morgan Hill multi-purpose room modernization. Work includes renovating four classrooms and additional break out office space.
—$114,500 contract (1999 GO Bonds interest) for Ann Sobrato High School athletic field fence installation around the perimeter of the baseball/softball fields and along the south end of the field adjacent to the student parking lot.
—$196,200 (Capital Facilities fund) for the installation of two portable classrooms at the Charter School of Morgan Hill. District staff has “determined that it would be more advantageous to replace (rather than refresh/repair) two relocatable classroom buildings).
Resignations/retirements/leaves of absence
Twenty-nine certificated teachers will not be returning for all or some of next school year, including 10 resignations, five retirements, eight non-renewals of contracts, six approved leaves.
Additionally, three administrative resignations, effective June 30, are on the personnel order.

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